EPPO Global Database

Xanthomonas fragariae(XANTFR)

Distribution details in France

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2020: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 1974
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, only in some areas (limited distribution) (2011-01)
From CABI Disease map 520 (2013): Present, no details
* Gétaz M, Blom J, Smits T H M, Pothier J F (2020) Comparative genomics of Xanthomonas fragariae and Xanthomonas arboricola pv. fragariae reveals intra- and interspecies variations. Phytopathology Research. 2 (17), DOI:10.1186/s42483-020-00061-y

* NPPO of France (1993, 2011-01).

* Rat B (1974) Présence en France de la maladie des taches angulaires du fraisier. Annales de phytopathologie 6, 223.

* Saddler, G. S. (2000) IMI Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria No. 146, Sheet 1455.

* Van der Gaag, D. J.; Bergsma-Vlami, M.; Van Vaerenbergh, J.; Vandroemme, J.; Maes, M. (2013) Pest Risk Analysis for Xanthomonas fragariae. Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belgium Present, few occurrences view...
Germany Present, restricted distribution view...
Italy Sicilia Present, no details view...
Italy Present, restricted distribution view...
Reunion Absent, pest eradicated view...
Spain Present, restricted distribution view...
Switzerland Present, widespread view...