EPPO Global Database

Aegilops neglecta(AEGNE)

Code created in: 2003-10-29

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: AEGNE
  • Preferred name: Aegilops neglecta
  • Authority: Bertoloni


Mediterranean (except southeast), Crimea, Caucasus, Western Asia, Central Asia

WSSA list of weeds in North America

The formerly accepted species A. ovata has now been divided into two species - A. geniculata and A. neglecta.

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Aegilops triaristata Willdenow
Triticum triaristatum (Willdenow) Grenier & Godron

Common names
Name Language
three-awned goatgrass English
übersehener Walch German
égilope à trois arêtes French
égilope négligé French
égilope oublié French
rompesacos Spanish
trigo bastardo pinchudo Spanish
cerere con tre reste Italian
egilope negletta Italian
trigo-de-perdiz Portuguese
эгилопс незамеченный Russian
эгилопс овальный Russian
эгилопс трёхдюймовый Russian
tüylü buğday Turkish
halmucë Albanian
пренебрегнато диво жито Bulgarian
триосилест егилопс Bulgarian
traiguera triaristada Catalan
jajolika ostika Croatian
navadna ostika Slovene