Agrilus planipennis(AGRLPL)
Distribution details in Russia (Southern Russia)
EPPO Reporting Service (2017/131) : Voronezh.
EPPO Reporting Service (2019/135) : surveys conducted in 2018/2019 detected the pest in Volgograd and Voronezh.
EPPO Reporting Service (2021/154) : in Southern European Russia found in Astrakhan, Belgorod, Kursk, Volgograd, Voronezh. Approaching the border with Kazakhstan.
EPPO Reporting Service (2023/175) : found in Krasnodar krai in 2022 (detected in 65 localities from 7 municipalities).
EPPO Reporting Service (2019/135) : surveys conducted in 2018/2019 detected the pest in Volgograd and Voronezh.
EPPO Reporting Service (2021/154) : in Southern European Russia found in Astrakhan, Belgorod, Kursk, Volgograd, Voronezh. Approaching the border with Kazakhstan.
EPPO Reporting Service (2023/175) : found in Krasnodar krai in 2022 (detected in 65 localities from 7 municipalities).
* Godin AE, Miroshnikov AN, Prisniy Yu.A (2022) Additions to data on invasive insect species of Belgorod Region. Field Biologist Journal 4(4), 344–349. (In Russian with English abstract)
------- Belgorod.
* Musolin DL, Kirichenko NI, Karpun NN, Aksenenko EV, Golub VB, Kerchev IA, Mandelshtam MY, Vasaitis R, Volkovitsh MG, Zhuravleva EN, Selikhovkin AV (2022) Invasive insect pests of forests and urban trees in Russia: origin, pathways, damage, and management. Forests 13(4), 521.
* Musolin DL, Selikhovkin AV, Shabunin DA, Zviagintsev B, Baranchikov YN (2017) Between ash dieback and emerald ash borer: two Asian invaders in Russia and the future of ash in Europe. Baltic Forestry 23(1), 316-333.
------- Voronezh region.
* Orlova-Bienkowskaja M (2014) Ashes in Europe are in danger: the invasive range of Agrilus planipennis in European Russia is expanding. Biological Invasions 16(7), 1345-1349.
------- Voronezh region.
* Orlova-Bienkowskaja MJ, Drogvalenko AN, Zabaluev IA, Sazhnev AS, Peregudova HY, Mazurov SG, Komarov EV, Andrzej O, Bieńkowski AO (2019) Bad and good news for ash trees in Europe: alien pest Agrilus planipennis has spread to the Ukraine and the south of European Russia, but does not kill Fraxinus excelsior in the forests. BioRxiv (unpublished pre-print). doi:
------- Volgograd and Voronezh regions.
* Orlova-Bienkowskaja MJ, Bieńkowski AO (2022) Low heat availability could limit the potential spread of the Emerald Ash Borer to Northern Europe (prognosis based on Growing Degree Days per year). Insects 13(1), 52.
------- Rostov region.
* Romanchuk RV, Meshcheryakova IS, Poushkova SV, Kasatkin DG, Khachikov EA, Kupryushkin DP (2022) [The distribution of the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in the south of the Rostov region]. Ekosistemy 32, 33–41 (in Russian).
* Shchurov VI, Zamotajlov AS (2022) [First records of the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 1888 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Krasnodar Territory]. Proceedings of 24th International Scientific Conference devoted to the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Ingushetia ‘The Biological Diversity of the Caucasus and South of Russia’ (ed. by Tochiev TY et al.) (Magas, RU, 2022-11-17/20), 558–565 (in Russian).
* Volkovitsh MG, Bieńkowski AO, Orlova-Bienkowskaja MJ (2021) Emerald ash borer approaches the borders of the European Union and Kazakhstan and is confirmed to infest European ash. Forests 12, 691.
------- Belgorod.
* Musolin DL, Kirichenko NI, Karpun NN, Aksenenko EV, Golub VB, Kerchev IA, Mandelshtam MY, Vasaitis R, Volkovitsh MG, Zhuravleva EN, Selikhovkin AV (2022) Invasive insect pests of forests and urban trees in Russia: origin, pathways, damage, and management. Forests 13(4), 521.
* Musolin DL, Selikhovkin AV, Shabunin DA, Zviagintsev B, Baranchikov YN (2017) Between ash dieback and emerald ash borer: two Asian invaders in Russia and the future of ash in Europe. Baltic Forestry 23(1), 316-333.
------- Voronezh region.
* Orlova-Bienkowskaja M (2014) Ashes in Europe are in danger: the invasive range of Agrilus planipennis in European Russia is expanding. Biological Invasions 16(7), 1345-1349.
------- Voronezh region.
* Orlova-Bienkowskaja MJ, Drogvalenko AN, Zabaluev IA, Sazhnev AS, Peregudova HY, Mazurov SG, Komarov EV, Andrzej O, Bieńkowski AO (2019) Bad and good news for ash trees in Europe: alien pest Agrilus planipennis has spread to the Ukraine and the south of European Russia, but does not kill Fraxinus excelsior in the forests. BioRxiv (unpublished pre-print). doi:
------- Volgograd and Voronezh regions.
* Orlova-Bienkowskaja MJ, Bieńkowski AO (2022) Low heat availability could limit the potential spread of the Emerald Ash Borer to Northern Europe (prognosis based on Growing Degree Days per year). Insects 13(1), 52.
------- Rostov region.
* Romanchuk RV, Meshcheryakova IS, Poushkova SV, Kasatkin DG, Khachikov EA, Kupryushkin DP (2022) [The distribution of the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in the south of the Rostov region]. Ekosistemy 32, 33–41 (in Russian).
* Shchurov VI, Zamotajlov AS (2022) [First records of the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 1888 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Krasnodar Territory]. Proceedings of 24th International Scientific Conference devoted to the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Ingushetia ‘The Biological Diversity of the Caucasus and South of Russia’ (ed. by Tochiev TY et al.) (Magas, RU, 2022-11-17/20), 558–565 (in Russian).
* Volkovitsh MG, Bieńkowski AO, Orlova-Bienkowskaja MJ (2021) Emerald ash borer approaches the borders of the European Union and Kazakhstan and is confirmed to infest European ash. Forests 12, 691.
Country | State | Status | |
Belarus | Absent, no pest record | ||
China | Heilongjiang | Present, no details | |
China | Neimenggu | Absent, unreliable record | |
China | Sichuan | Absent, unreliable record | |
China | Tianjin | Present, no details | |
China | Xinjiang | Present, no details | |
China | Hebei | Present, no details | |
China | Liaoning | Present, no details | |
China | Present, no details | ||
China | Shandong | Present, no details | |
China | Jilin | Present, no details | |
China | Beijing | Present, no details | |
Estonia | Absent, confirmed by survey | ||
Korea Dem. People's Republic | Present, no details | ||
Latvia | Absent, confirmed by survey | ||
Mongolia | Absent, unreliable record | ||
Ukraine | Present, restricted distribution |