EPPO Global Database

Almeidea rubra(ALIRU)


Organism Type
Scirtothrips dorsalis (SCITDO) Host
* Scott-Brown AS, Hodgetts J, Hall J, Simmonds MJS, Collins DW (2018) Potential role of botanic garden collections in predicting hosts at risk globally from invasive pests: a case study using Scirtothrips dorsalis. Journal of Pest Science 91(2), 601-611.
------- Confirmed host.
Xylosandrus compactus (XYLSCO) Host
* Túler A, Valbon W, Rodrigues H, Noia L, Santos L, Fogaça I, Rondelli V, Verdin Filho A (2019). Black twig borer, Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff), a potential threat to coffee production. Revista de Ciencias Agrícolas, 36(E), 5-16. https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rfacia/article/view/4877/5774
------ Confirmed host (as A. rubra)