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------- host in host range testing.
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------- Main host (evidence that the plant supports populations of the pest in several generations or years, i.e. true hosts, or plant mentioned as common or preferred host – see PRA for further details on the host)
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-------- Larval and adult host.
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------- citing original references
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------- Collected from this plant in Java (Indonesia).
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------- First report.
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------- Confirmed host.
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------- Confirmed host.
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------- only at genus level (Arachis) in Angola and Mauritius
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------- Confirmed host.
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------- reproductive host in Florida.
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------- Larval host.
* Abdurahman A, Parker ML, Kreuze J, Elphinstone JG, Struik PC, Kigundu A, Arengo E, Sharma K (2019) Molecular epidemiology of Ralstonia solanacearum Species Complex strains causing bacterial wilt of potato in Uganda. Phytopathology 109, 1922-1931
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* Abdurahman A, Parker ML, Kreuze J, Elphinstone JG, Struik PC, Kigundu A, Arengo E, Sharma K (2019) Molecular epidemiology of Ralstonia solanacearum Species Complex strains causing bacterial wilt of potato in Uganda. Phytopathology 109, 1922-1931
* Cellier G, Prior P (2010) Deciphering phenotypic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum strains pathogenic to potato. Phytopathology 100, 1250-1261.
* Pan ZC, Xu J, Prior P, Xu JS, Zhang H, Chen KY, Tian Q, Zhang LQ, Liu L, He LY, Feng J (2013) Development of a specific molecular tool for the detection of epidemiologically active mulberry causing-disease strains of Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype I (historically race 5-biovar 5) in China. European journal of plant pathology 137(2), 377-391.
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------- as peanut
* Lindgren D, Vincent L, Krohne H (1955) The khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts. Hilgardia 24(1), 1-36.
------- as groundnut
* Global Invasive Species Database (2025) Species profile: Trogoderma granarium. http://www.iucngisd.org/gisd/species.php?sc=142 (27-02-2025).
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-------In experiments, cv. ‘CavaloVemelho’ was found to be a poor host (0.1<RF<1).