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* EPPO (2024) EPPO Technical Document No. 1091. Pest risk analysis for Chloridea virescens. EPPO, Paris. Available at https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/HELIVI/documents
------- Main host (evidence that the plant supports populations of the pest in several generations or years, i.e. true hosts, or plant mentioned as common or preferred host – see PRA for further details on the host)
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------- Laboratory studies.
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-------- Feeding host.
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------- reported as host but evidence is lacking that they can support completion of ful life cycle.
* Prestidge RA and Willoughby B (1989) Garden weevil life cycle and insecticides for its control in asparagus. In Proceedings of the Forty Second New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, Taranki Country Lodge, New Plymouth, 8-10 August, 1989. (pp. 238–242).
------- considered as an important pest.
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