Baccharis halimifolia(BACHA)
Distribution details in United Kingdom
A third record from Scotland is regarded as dubious by the New Atlas editors (Preston, pers. com., 2012).
* Bowen H (2000) The flora of Dorset. Pisces Publications.
* Brunel S, Schrader G, Brundu G, Fried G (2010) Emerging invasive alien plants for the Mediterranean Basin. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 40(2), 219-238.
* Clements EJ & Foster MC (1994) Alien Plants of the British Isles: A Provisional Catalogue of Vascular Plants (Excluding Grasses). Botanical Society of the British Isles, UK.
* Brunel S, Schrader G, Brundu G, Fried G (2010) Emerging invasive alien plants for the Mediterranean Basin. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 40(2), 219-238.
* Clements EJ & Foster MC (1994) Alien Plants of the British Isles: A Provisional Catalogue of Vascular Plants (Excluding Grasses). Botanical Society of the British Isles, UK.