* Bodley E, Stanley R (2020) Determining the temporal interaction of Camellia cultivar flowering periods and Camellia petal blight disease presence in Auckland, New Zealand. Sibbaldia: the International Journal of Botanic Garden Horticulture 19(296), 12 pp.
------- from surveys in Auckland Botanic Gardens
* Couselo JL, Vela P, Salinero C, Mansilla P (2014) Susceptibility trials of different Camellia species to Ciborinia camelliae. International Camellia Journal 46, 64-65.
* Couselo JL, Vela P, Salinero C, Mansilla P (2014) Susceptibility trials of different Camellia species to Ciborinia camelliae. International Camellia Journal 46, 64-65.
------- mentions other susceptible species
* Denton-Giles M, Bradshaw RE, Dijkwel PP (2013) Ciborinia camelliae (Sclerotiniaceae) induces variable plant resistance responses in
selected species of Camellia. Phytopathology 103, 725-732.
* Saracchi M, Locati D, Colombo EM, Pasquali M (2019) Updates on Ciborinia camelliae, the causal agent of camellia flower blight. Journal of Plant Pathology 101, 215-223.
------- mentions other susceptible species
* Taylor CH, Long PG (2000) Review of literature on camellia flower blight caused by Ciborinia camelliae. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 28(2), 123-138.
* Oliver J, Youssef N, Basham J, Bray A, Copley K, Hale F, Klingeman W, Halcomb M, Haun W (2012) Camphor Shot Borer: a new nursery and landscape pest in Tennessee ANR-ENT-01-2012. Tennessee State University
* Eskalen A, Stouthamer R, Lynch SC, Rugman-Jones PF, Twizeyimana M, Gonzalez A, Thibault T (2013) Host range of Fusarium dieback and its ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) vector in southern California. Plant Disease 97(7), 938-951.
* Mendel Z, Lynch SC, Eskalen A, Protasov A, Maymon M, Freeman S (2021) What determines host range and reproductive performance of an invasive ambrosia beetle Euwallacea fornicatus; lessons from Israel and California. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4, 654702.
------- Non reproductive host tree in California (US).
* Eskalen A, Stouthamer R, Lynch SC, Twizeyimana M, Gonzalez A, Thibault T (2013) Host range of Fusarium dieback and its ambrosia beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) vector in southern California. Plant Disease 97(7), 938-951.
* Heppner JB (2003) Lepidoptera of Florida. Part 1. Introduction and catalog. Volume 17 of Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Division of Plant Industry. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gainesville, Florida. 670 pp
* Cave GL, Randall-Schadel B & Redlin SC (2008) Risk analysis for Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock & Man in’t Veld, causal agent of sudden oak death, ramorum leaf blight, and ramorum dieback. US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Raleigh, NC.
* USDA (2010) Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock & Man in’t Veld. Pest Risk Assessment for Oregon. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58740d57579fb3b4fa5ce66f/t/599dec4b2994ca3914cdde86/1503521868110/Pram_PRA_OR_11192010.pdf