EPPO Global Database

Camellia sinensis(CAHSI)

Code created in: 2002-03-31

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: CAHSI
  • Preferred name: Camellia sinensis
  • Authority: (Linnaeus) Kuntze


China. Widely cultivated (tea) in southern Asia and in Africa, and to a small extent in America. Two varieties are distinguished: var. sinensis has a more northern distribution and is smaller than var. assamensis (q.v.). Different forms of tea (green, black, etc.) result from different processing, and are not particularly associated with either India or China. Introduced in Mediterranean (Turkey), Himalayas, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, northeast India, Indochina, Malesia (Borneo), China (Tibet), Japan, Korea, Ethiopia, Argentina 

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Camellia chinensis (Sims) Kuntze
Thea chinensis Sims
Thea sinensis Linnaeus

Common names
Name Language
tea English
tea plant English
Teestrauch German
arbre à thé French
thé French
théier French
arbol del té Spanish
the Dutch
chá Portuguese
chá-da-índia Portuguese
chazeiro Portuguese
chazeiro-da-china Portuguese
planta-do-cha Portuguese
tebuske Swedish
cha Japanese
chiyanoki Japanese
チャ Japanese
チャノキ Japanese
камелия китайская Russian
чай китайский Russian
чайное дерево Russian
чайный куст Russian
chha Bengali
chá Chinese
차나무 Korean
cha na mu Korean
чай китайський Ukrainian