Bretziella fagacearum(CERAFA)
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For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Foliar symptoms on Quercus velutina showing bronzing starting at the leaf apices and lobes, and a localized area of green tissue around the base of the midrib.
Courtesy: C.E. Seliskar (US).
Sporulating mat on red oak killed by C. fagacearum.
Courtesy: J.N. Gibbs - Forestry Commission (GB).
Wilted branch on Quercus ellipsoidalis in Minnesota.
Courtesy: J.N. Gibbs - Forestry Commission (GB).
Xylem of red oak affected by C. fagacearum showing diffuse stain (often there is less stain than this).
Courtesy: J.N. Gibbs - Forestry Commission (GB).
C. fagacearum in red oak (probably Quercus ellipsoidalis) in Minnesota (US).
Courtesy: J.N. Gibbs - Forestry Commission (GB).
Advanced stage of C. fagacearum infection on oak: general view of wilted tree.
Courtesy: C.E. Seliskar (US).
Mature mycelial mat of C. fagacearum just under the bark of a wilted Quercus coccinea tree.
Courtesy: C.E. Seliskar (US).