* Riggs RD, Hamblen ML (1966) Further studies on the host range of the soybean-cyst. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station no. 718. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (US), 19 pp.
------- Host range experiments.
* Goodey JB, Franklin MT, Hooper DJ (1965) T. Goodey's: The Nematode Parasites of Plants Catalogued Under Their Hosts. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal, Bucks, England. Third edition, 214 pp.
* Ghotbi T (2013) Serological and molecular detection of INSV and introduction of some INSV ornamental host plants from five provinces in Iran. Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology 49 (1), 41.
------- As Cheiranthus cheiri.
* Ghotbi T, Shahraeen N, Winter S (2005) Occurrence of Tospoviruses in ornamental and weed species in Markazi and Tehran Provinces in Iran. Plant Disease 89(4), 425-429.
------- As Cheiranthus cheiri.
* Parrella G, Gognalons P, Gebre-Selassie K, Vovlas C, Marchoux G (2003) An update of the host range of tomato spotted wilt virus. Journal of Plant Pathology 85(4), 227-264.
------- Confirmed host.
* Claassen BJ, Berry PA, Thomas WJ, Mallory-Smith C, Ocamb CM (2021) Black Leg and Chlorotic Leaf Spot Occurrence on Brassicaceae Crop and Weed Hosts. Plant Disease 105(11), 3418-3425.
* Commission database of host plants found to be susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the Union Territory (update 12 of 2019-04-11).
------- As X. fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa.