* Wheeler L, Crow WT (2019) Pathogenicity of Aphelenchoides besseyi on Chrysanthemum. Journal of Nematology 51, Supplement, Abstracts from the Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting 2019 p. 45. https://www.exeley.com/exeley/journals/journal_of_nematology/51/i_current/pdf/10.21307_jofnem-2019-065.pdf [Accessed 28 May 2020]
* Ashwathappa KV, Venkataravanappa V, Lakshminarayana Reddy CN, Krishna Reddy M (2020) Association of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus with mosaic and leaf curl disease of Chrysanthemum and its whitefly cryptic species. Indian Phytopathology, 73, 533–542. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42360-020-00214-1
* Duduk B, Dukič N, Bulajíc A, Krstič B, Bertaccini A (2006) Stolbur phytoplasmas infecting Chrysanthemum in Serbia. Pesticides and Phytomedicine 21, 107-111.
------- As Chrysanthemum indicum hybridum.
* Clark SM, LeDoux DG, Seeno TN, Riley EG, Gilbert AJ, Sullivan JM (2004) Host plants of leaf beetle species occurring in the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae, Chrysomelidae, excluding Bruchinae). Coleopterists Society, Special Publication 2, 1-476.
------- Adult host - as Dendranthema indicum.
* Eiseman CS, Lonsdale O (2018) New state and host records for Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the United States, with the description of thirty new species. Zootaxa 4479 (1), 1-156. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4479.1.1
* Frick KE (1959) Synopsis of the species of Agromyzid leaf-miners described from North America (Diptera). Proceedings of the US Natural Museum 108(3407), 347-465.
* Monteiro NJS, Barbosa RR, Esposito MC (2019) Agromyzidae (Diptera: Schizophora) in the state of Pará: new species and new records in Brazil. Zootaxa 4624(2), 151-182.
* Eiseman CS, Lonsdale O (2018) New State and Host Records for Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the United States, with the Description of Thirty New Species. Zootaxa 4479(1), 1-156.
------- as Chrysanthemum sp. (cultivated species)
* Frick KE (1959) Synopsis of the species of agromyzid leaf miners described from North America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 108, 347-465.
* Parrella G, Gognalons P, Gebre-Selassie K, Vovlas C, Marchoux G (2003) An update of the host range of tomato spotted wilt virus. Journal of Plant Pathology 85(4), 227-264.
------- Confirmed host. As Dendranthema indicum.
* Shih HT, Tsay HC, Yang JT (2005) Notes on the geographic distribution and host plants for Poophilus costalis (Walker, 1851) (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea: Aphrophoridae). Plant Protection Bulletin 47, 171–178.
* Matsushita Y, Tsukiboshi T, Ito Y, Chikuo Y (2007) Nucleotide Sequences and Distribution of Chrysanthemum Stunt Viroid in Japan. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 76 (4), 333–337.
* Gobatto D, Araújo de Oliveira L, Andrade de Siqueira Franco D, Velásquez N, Daròs J-A, Eiras M (2019) Surveys in the chrysanthemum production areas of Brazil and Colombia reveal that weeds are potential reservoirs of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid. Viruses 11, 355. doi:10.3390/v11040355
------- As Dendranthema.
* Hiratsuka N (1957) Three species of chrysanthemum-rusts in Japan and its neighboring districts. Sydowia 2(1), 34–44.
------- Natural infections.
* USDA APHIS PPQ. Chrysanthemum white rust (CWR) eradication protocol for nurseries containing plants infected with Puccinia horiana Henn. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/cwr/downloads/cwrplan.pdf
* Water JK (1981) Chrysanthemum white rust. EPPO Bulletin 11(3), 239-242.
* Baker C, Miller G (1974) Some effects of temperature and larval food on the development of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lep., Noctuidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 63(3), 495-511.
* Miyashita T, Soichi N (1993) Studies on the varietal difference in injury caused by Thrips palmi in chrysanthemum. 3. Relationship between infested part, density and injury. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 37(4), 227-233.
* Ng YF, Zaimi JS (2018) The economically important thrips from Malaysia, with a key to species (Thysanoptera, Thripinae). ZooKeys 810, 113-126.