Conotrachelus nenuphar(CONHNE)
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For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Larva in cherry fruit. Unlike in apple, plum, pear and peach, larvae complete development in mature fruits of cherry. P.J. Chapman - New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (US)

Oviposition marks (D-shaped marks) on young cherry fruits.
Courtesy: P.J. Chapman - New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (US).
Superficial oviposition and feeding (small spots) scars on a mature apple fruit.
Courtesy: P.J. Chapman - New York State Agricultural Experiment Station (US).
Pyramid trap (left) and circle or trunk trap (right)
Courtesy: Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Tim Lampasona, respectively
Plum curculio damage on apple, close-up
Courtesy: Laboratoire d'expertise et de diagnostic en phytoprotection – MAPAQ