Anisogramma anomala(CRSPAN)
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Sunken cankers with stromata on a hazelnut branch (in Corvallis, OR, USA)
Courtesy: Arzu Sezer, Ordu University, Ordu (TUR)
Sunken cankers with stromata on hazelnut twigs (in Corvallis, OR, USA)
Courtesy: Arzu Sezer, Ordu University, Ordu (TUR)
Sunken cankers with stromata on a hazelnut branch (in Corvallis, OR, USA)
Courtesy: Arzu Sezer, Ordu University, Ordu (TUR)
Limited stromata production in tolerant Eastern filbert blight reaction on Monmouth hazelnut in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Anisogramma canker showing severe reaction on susceptible Corylus avellana in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Sunken canker with stromata on a hazelnut twig (in Corvallis, OR, USA)
Courtesy: Arzu Sezer, Ordu University, Ordu (TUR)
New stromata prior to emerging from stem on Corylus avellana in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Anisogramma canker showing severe reaction on susceptible Corylus americana x C. avellana F1 in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Anisogramma anomala causing Eastern filbert blight canker with tolerant reaction in New Jersey USA. Note the callus production
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Close up of typical Anisogramma anomala stromata on Corylus avellana in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Eastern filbert blight canker on C. avellana showing two rows of stromata in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Typical Eastern filbert blight canker on susceptible Corylus avellana in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar
Anisogramma canker showing severe reaction on susceptible Corylus avellana in New Jersey USA
Courtesy: Thomas Molnar