EPPO Global Database

Clausena harmandiana(CUSHA)


Organism Type
Closterovirus tristezae (as Clausena) (CTV000) Host
* Moreno P, Ambrós S, Albiach-Martí R, Guerri J, Peña L (2008) Citrus tristeza virus: a pathogen that changed the course of the citrus industry. Molecular plant pathology 9(2), 251-268.

* Yoshida T (1996) Graft compatibility of Citrus with plants in the Aurantioideae and their susceptibility to citrus tristeza virus. Plant Disease 80, 414-417.
------ CTV graft-inoculated to C. excavata and C. lansium
Diaphorina citri (DIAACI) Host
* Westbrook CJ, Hall DG, Stover E, Duan YP, Lee RF (2011) Colonization of Citrus and Citrus-related germplasm by Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). HortScience, 46(7), 997-1005.
------- confirmed host
Fiorinia phantasma (as Clausena) (FIORCO) Host
Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (XANTCI) Host
* Stover E, Driggers R, Richardson ML, Hall DG, Duan YP & Lee RF (2014) Incidence and severity of Asiatic citrus canker on diverse Citrus and Citrus-related germplasm in a Florida field planting. Hortscience 49, 4-9.