EPPO Global Database

Cynodon dactylon(CYNDA)


Organism Type
Blissus insularis (as Cynodon) (BLISIN) Experimental
* Reinert JA, Chandra A, Engelke MC (2011) Susceptibility of genera and cultivars of turfgrass to southern chinch bug Blissus insularis (Hemiptera: Blissidae). Florida Entomologist 94(2), 158-163. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.094.0206
------- Poor host.
Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (PHMPOM) Experimental
* Anonymous (1960) Index of Plant Diseases in the United States. Agriculture Handbook no 165, USDA-ARS (US) 531 pp.

* Lyda SD, 1978. Ecology of Phymatotrichum omnivorum. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 16, 193–209. Available
online: http://annurev.py.16.090178.001205
------- mycelial strands of P. omnivorum were found growing on roots of Johnson grass and Bermuda grass in proximity to dying alfalfa
plants. Considered immune in natural conditions.
Cuerna costalis (CUERCO) Host
* Turner WF, Pollard HN (1959) Insect transmission of phony peach disease. United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1193. 27 pp.
------- as Bermuda grass
Dimargarodes meridionalis (MARGME) Host
* Dale A (2017) Managing scale insects and mealybugs on turfgrass. NY-340. Department of Entomology and Nematology, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date February 2017. Reviewed June 2020. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu. 8 pp.
------- as bermudagrass

* Gill RJ (2022) 3.3.1 centipede grass ground pearl Dimargarodes meridionalis (Morrison, 1927) (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Margarodidae). p. 62-64 In: Chapter 3 Margarodidae. Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests (eds. Kondo T, Watson GW). CABI Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK. 608 pp.
Haplaxius crudus (MYNDCR) Host
* Tsai JH, Kirsch OH (1978) Bionomics of Haplaxius crudus (Homoptera: Cixiidae). Environmental Entomology 7(2), 305-308.
------- Nymph host.
Meloidogyne chitwoodi (MELGCH) Host
* O’Bannon JH, Santo GS, Nyczepir AP (1982) Host range of the Columbia root-knot nematode. Plant Disease 66, 1045-1048.
Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae (TSWV00) Host
* Parrella G, Gognalons P, Gebre-Selassie K, Vovlas C, Marchoux G (2003) An update of the host range of tomato spotted wilt virus. Journal of Plant Pathology 85(4), 227-264.
------- Confirmed host.
Spodoptera frugiperda (LAPHFR) Host
* Montezano DG, Specht A, Sosa-Gómez DR, Roque-Specht VF, Sousa-Silva JC, Paula-Moraes SV, Peterson JA, Hunt T (2018) Host plants of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Americas. African Entomology 26, 286-300.
Xylella fastidiosa (XYLEFA) Host
* EFSA (2024) Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – Systematic literature search up to 31 December 2023. EFSA Journal 22, e8898. https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.2903/j.efsa.2024.8898
------- Subspecies unknown.
Xyphon flaviceps (CARNFL) Host
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae): taxonomy, biology, and virus transmission. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Technical Bulletin 1382. 384 pp.
------- as Carneocephala flaviceps
Xyphon triguttatum (CARNTR) Host
* Nielson MW (1968) The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae): taxonomy, biology, and virus transmission. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Technical Bulletin 1382. 384 pp.
------- as Carneocephala triguttata
Atherigona reversura (ATHERE) Major host
* Pont AC, Magpayo FR (1995) Muscid shoot-flies of the Philippine Islands (Diptera, Muscidae, genus Atherigona Rondani). Bulletin of Entomological Research, Supplement 3, 1–123.
Cynodon chlorotic streak virus (CCSV00) Major host
'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum' (PHYPPR) Wild/Weed
'Candidatus Phytoplasma sacchari' (PHYPSA) Wild/Weed
* Kirdat K, Tiwarekar B, Thorat V, Sathe S, Shouche Y, Yadav A (2021) 'Candidatus Phytoplasma sacchari’, a novel taxon-associated with Sugarcane Grassy Shoot (SCGS) disease. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71(1), 004591. https://doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.004591
'Candidatus Phytoplasma solani' (PHYPSO) Wild/Weed
* Mitrović M, Jović J, Cvrković T, Krstić O, Trkulja N, Toševski I (2012) Characterisation of a 16SrII phytoplasma strain associated with bushy stunt of hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieracioides) in south-eastern Serbia and the role of the leafhopper Neoaliturus fenestratus (Deltocephalinae) as a natural vector. European Journal of Plant Pathology 134, 647–660.
Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi (DIABUH) Wild/Weed
* Clark SM, LeDoux DG, Seeno TN, Riley EG, Gilbert AJ, Sullivan JM (2004) Host plants of leaf beetle species occurring in the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae, Chrysomelidae, excluding Bruchinae). Coleopterists Society, Special Publication 2, 1-476.
------- Larval host.
Draeculacephala minerva (DRAEMI) Wild/Weed
* Hewitt WB, Frazier NW, Freitag JH (1949) Pierce’s disease investigations. Hilgardia 19, 207–264.

* Purcell AH, Frazier NW (1985) Habitats and dispersal of the principal leafhopper vectors of Pierce's disease bacterium in the San Joaquin Valley. Hilgardia 53(4), 1-32.
------- Breeding host.
Elasmopalpus lignosellus (ELASLI) Wild/Weed
* Gill HK, Capinera JL, McSorley R (2017) Featured Creatures. Lesser cornstalk borer. Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller) (Insecta: lepidoptera: Pyralidae). University of Florida (US). http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/field/lesser_cornstalk_borer.htm

* Sandhu HS (2010) Biology and cultural control of lesser cornstalk borer on sugarcane. PhD thesis. University of Florida. https://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/E0/04/14/72/00001/sandhu_h.pdf
Fijivirus cuartoense (MRCV00) Wild/Weed
* Laguna IG, de Remes Lenicov AMM, Virla EG, Avila AO, Giménez Pecci MP, Herrera P, Garay J, Ploper D, Mariani R (2002) [Diffusion of Mal de Rio Cuarto virus (MRCV) of maize, its vector, associated planthoppers and alternative hosts in Argentina]. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 61(1-2), 87-97 (in Spanish).
Meloidogyne ethiopica (MELGET) Wild/Weed
* Bellé C, Ramos RF, Balardin RR, Nora DD & Kaspary TE (2020) Host weed species range of Meloidogyne ethiopica whitehead (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) found in Brazil. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156(3), 979-985.
-------In experiments, it was found to be a good host (RF>=1).
Meloidogyne graminicola (MELGGC) Wild/Weed
* Rusinque L, Maleita C, Abrantes I, Palomares-Rius JE, Inácio ML (2021) Meloidogyne graminicola - A threat to rice production: review update on distribution, biology, identification, and management. Biology 10, 1163. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10111163
Poophilus costalis (POOPCO) Wild/Weed
* Sahayaraj K, Saranya B, Sayed S, Estelle LYL, Madasamy K (2021) Biofoam of spittlebug, Poophilus costalis (Walker): preferential sites, temperature regulation, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. Insects 12(4), 340. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12040340
Ripersiella hibisci (RHIOHI) Wild/Weed
* Hara AH, Niino-DuPonte RY and Jacobsen CM (2001) Root mealybugs of quarantine significance in Hawaii. Insect pests IP-6. Cooperative Extension Service University of Hawaii, 4 pp. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/ip-6.pdf
Tetranychus evansi (TETREV) Wild/Weed
* Ferreira MA, Sousa ME (2011) Hosts and Distribution of the Spider Mite Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Portugal. Hale, C., Xxviii International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People, Leuven 1, Int Soc Horticultural Science, (917): 133-136.
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (XANTOR) Wild/Weed
* Li ZZ, Zhao H, Ying XD (1985) [The weed carriers of bacterial leaf blight of rice]. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica 15, 246–248 (In Chinese). 

* Shekhar S, Sinha D, Kumari A (2020) An overview of bacterial Leaf blight disease of rice and different strategies for its management. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 9, 2250-2265.  https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2020.904.270
Xyphon fulgidum (CARNFU) Wild/Weed
* Daane, KM, Wistrom CM, Shapland EB, Sisterson MS (2011) Seasonal abundance of Draeculacephala minerva and other Xylella fastidiosa vectors in California almond orchards and vineyards. Journal of Economic Entomology 104, 367–374.
------- Preferred feeding and breeding host.

* Hewitt WB, Frazier NW, Freitag JH (1949) Pierce’s disease investigations. Hilgardia 19, 207–264.

* Pilkington LJ, Irvin NA, Boyd EA, Hoddle MS, Triapitsyn S, Carey BG, Jones WA, Morgan DJW (2005) Biological control of glassy-winged sharp-shooter in California. California Agriculture 59(4), 223–228. 

* Purcell AH, Frazier NW (1985) Habitats and dispersal of the principal leafhopper vectors of Pierce's disease bacterium in the San Joaquin Valley. Hilgardia 53(4),  1-32.
------- Breeding host.