EPPO Global Database

Diaporthe vaccinii(DIAPVA)

Code created in: 2001-02-21

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Diaporthe vaccinii
  • Authority: Shear

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Phomopsis vaccinii Shear

Common names
Name Language
blight of blueberry English
fruit rot of blueberry English
phomopsis canker and dieback of blueberry English
storage rot of blueberry English
twig blight of blueberry English
viscid rot of blueberry English
brûlure phomopsienne de la myrtille French
chancre phomopsien de la myrtille French
tizón de los arándanos Spanish
Вязкая гниль черники Russian
засыхание ветвей голубика Russian