Drosophila suzukii(DROSSU)
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Characteristic morphological differences between Drosophila suzukii and D. simulans.
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii male.
Courtesy: Dr John Davis, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii head.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii: secondary damage by fungal rot.
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii female ovipositor.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii female ovipositor.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry causing fruit drop.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii: oviposition scars on a cherry.
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii: oviposition scar on a cherry.
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii male.
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii male wing.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii female.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii male leg.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii female.
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii: oviposition scars and secondary damage by sap beetles (Nitidulidae).
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii female.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Pupa of Drosophila suzukii.
Courtesy: Dr Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento (US).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii (male). Please note that because of the angle at which the specimen was photographed, wings appear oval but in reality they are elongate.
Courtesy: Dr Gary Steck, Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, Gainesville (US).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii on blueberry.
Courtesy: Matteo Maspero and Andrea Tantardini, Centro MiRT - Fondazione Minoprio (IT).
Drosophila suzukii (female).
Courtesy: Dr Gary Steck, Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, Gainesville (US).
Basic chaetotaxy of head and notum (acr s - acrostichal setae (8 rows), dc s - dorsocentral setae, oc s - ocellar setae, orb s - orbital setae, poc s - postocellar setae, pprn s - postpronotal setae)

For comparison: D. immigrans - abdominal tergits with transversal medially interrupted (arrows) dark bands on segments 2-5

Genital segment of a male (flattened view): ap - anal plate, ep - epandrium, pt - primary teeth, ss - surstylus, st - secondary teeth

Drosophila suzukii , left leg.
Courtesy: Yousef Naserzadeh, Galina Bondarenko and Niloufar Mahmoudi, Department of AgroBiotechnology, Plant Protection Research Institute of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). All-Russian Center for Plant Quarantine
Destructive effect of Drosophila suzukii on Annona squamosa, as a host plant
Courtesy: Yousef Naserzadeh and Galina Bondarenko
Drosophila suzukii right leg.
Courtesy: Yousef Naserzadeh, Galina Bondarenko, Niloufar Mahmoudi and Elena Pakina. Department of AgroBiotechnology, Plant Protection Research Institute of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). All-Russian Center for Plant Quarantine
Drosophila suzukii male leg.
Courtesy: Yousef Naserzadeh, Galina Bondarenko and Niloufar Mahmoudi, Department of AgroBiotechnology, Plant Protection Research Institute of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). All-Russian Center for Plant Quarantine
Drosophila suzukii (larva) on Prunus cerasus
Courtesy: Blandine DELBOURSE - Point of Entry Roissy CDG airport (FR)