Epitrix tuberis(EPIXTU)
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato plant.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato plant.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato tuber.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Potato tuber with darkened superficial channels due to larvae.
Courtesy: Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (CA).
Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato plant.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Damage vof Epitrix spp. on potato tubers.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato tuber.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato tuber and larva.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Potato tuber showing light superficial channels due to larvae.
Courtesy: Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (CA).
Potato tuber in longitudinal section, showing tunnels due to larvae.
Courtesy: Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (CA).
Potato tuber showing a section with mines due to summer generation larvae.
Courtesy: Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (CA).
Close up of potato tuber with dark suberized markings, corresponding to the end of tunnels due to larvae.
Courtesy: Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (CA).
Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato tuber and larva.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Damage of Epitrix spp. on potato tuber and larva.
Courtesy: Jean-François Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier (FR).
Potato tuber showing a heavy darkened superficial channel due to larvae.
Courtesy: Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (CA).