EPPO Global Database

Epipactis leptochila(EPPLE)

Code created in: 2015-11-29

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: EPPLE
  • Preferred name: Epipactis leptochila
  • Authority: (Godfery) Godfery


Europe (central zone from England to Pyrenees and Carpathians)

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Epipactis cleistogama Thomas

Common names
Name Language
narrow-lipped helleborine English
Schmallippenständelwurz German
schmallippige Stendelwurz German
schmallippige Sumpfwurz German
spitzlippige Ständelwurz German
elléborine à fleurs étroites French
épipactis à labelle étroit French
elleborina a labello sottile Italian
smallippige wespenorchis Dutch
tengere wespenorchis Dutch
grön knipprot Swedish
дремлик тонкогубый Russian
storblomstret hullæbe Danish
kruszczyk ostropłatkowy Polish
kesenyajkú nőszőfű Hungarian
kruščika  Croatian
kruštík ostrokvětý Czech
kruštík úzkopyskový Slovak
ozkoustna močvirnica Slovene