Colomerus vitis(ERPHVI)
All photos included on this page can only be used for educational purposes.
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Velvet galls (erinia) on lower leaf side
Courtesy: Ilya Mityushev, Department of Plant protection of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University
Velvet galls (erinia) on lower leaf side
Courtesy: Ilya Mityushev, Department of Plant protection of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University
Damaged leaf (galls on upper leaf side)
Courtesy: Ilya Mityushev, Department of Plant protection of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University
Blister-like swelling on upper leaf surface (Nanteau sur Essonne, France, 2020)
Courtesy: Camille PICARD (EPPO)
Blister-like swelling on upper leaf surface (Nanteau sur Essonne, France, 2020)
Courtesy: Camille PICARD (EPPO)
Blister-like swelling on upper leaf surface (Nanteau sur Essonne, France, 2020)
Courtesy: Camille PICARD (EPPO)
Layer of short and white fine hairs beneath the raised areas (Nanteau sur Essonne, France, 2020)
Courtesy: Camille PICARD (EPPO)
Velvet galls (erinia) on lower leaf side
Courtesy: Ilya Mityushev, Department of Plant protection of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University