* EPPO (2023) Pest risk analysis for Tetranychus mexicanus. EPPO, Paris
------- uncertain host (see PRA for details)
* Migeon A & Dorkeld F (2022) Spider Mites Web. A comprehensive database for the Tetranychidae. http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/spmweb
* Licciardello G, Caruso P, Bella P, Boyer C, Smith MW, Pruvost O, Robene I, Cubero J, Catara V (2022) Pathotyping citrus ornamental relatives with Xanthomonas citri pv. citri and X. citri pv. aurantifolii refines our understanding of their susceptibility to these pathogens. Microorganisms 10, 986. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10050986
------- Inoculation resulted in the presence of pustules or water soaked lesions.
* Jansen MGM (2011) The whiteflies of the Netherlands, including two species new for the Dutch fauna (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 36, 69-98.
* Rust EW (1918) Anastrepha fraterculus Wied. (Trypetidae)—A severe menace to the southern United States. Journal of Economic Entomology 11, 457–467.
* Salles LAB (1995) Bioecologia e controle da mosca-das-frutas sul-americana. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Clima Temperado, Pelotas. 58 pp.
* Hibbard KL, Overholt WA, Cuda JP (2012) Pepper fruit fly Atherigona orientalis (Schiffner)(Insecta: Diptera: Muscidae). IFAS Extension. University of Florida EENY 5391.
------- reared from fruit of this species in Florida.
* Allwood AJ, Chinajariyawong A, Drew RAI., Hamacek EL., Hancock DL., Hengsawad C, Jipanin JC, Jirasurat M, Kong Krong C, Kritsaneepaiboon S, Leong CTS, Vijaysegaran S (1999) Host plant records for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in South East Asia. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology suppl 7, 1-92.
* Liquido NJ, McQuate GT, Nakamichi KA, Kurashima RS, Birnbaum AL, Hanlin MA (2016) Provisional list of suitable host plants of carambola fruit fly, Bactrocera (Bactrocera) carambolae Drew & Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae), Version 1.1. Available online at USDA Compendium of Fruit Fly Host Information (CoFFHI).
* Leblanc L (2022) The dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacini) of Oceania. Insecta Mundi 0948, 1-167. https://journals.flvc.org/mundi/article/view/131965/135549
* Tsuruta K, White IM, Bandara HMJ, Rajapakse H, Sundaraperuma SAH, Kahawatta SBMUC, Rajapakse GBJP (1997) A preliminary note on the host-plants of fruit flies of the tribe Dacini (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Sri Lanka. Esakia 37, 149-160.
* Liquido NJ, Mcquate GT, Suiter KA, Norrbom AL, Yee WL, Chang CL (2019) Compendium of fruit fly host plant information: The USDA primary reference in establishing fruit fly regulated host plants. Book Chapter. 363-368.
* Leblanc L (2022) The dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacini) of Oceania. Insecta Mundi 0948, 1-167. https://journals.flvc.org/mundi/article/view/131965/135549.
------- as Citrus japonica.
* Allwood AJ, Chinajariyawong A, Drew RAI, Hamacek EL, Hancock DL, Hengsawad C, Jipanin JC, Jirasurat M, Kong Krong C, Kritsaneepaiboon S, Leong KLH, Vijaysegaran S (1999) Host plant records for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in South East Asia. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 7, 1–92.
* He Y, Xu Y, Chen X (2023) Biology, ecology and management of Tephritid fruit flies in China: A review. Insects 14, 196. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14020196
* White IM, Elson-Harris MM (1992) Fruit flies of economic significance: their identification and bionomics. CABI Wallingford (GB), 601 pp.
* EPPO/CABI (1996) Citrus mosaic badnavirus. pp. 1243-1245. In: Quarantine Pests for Europe (2nd edition) – Data Sheets on quarantine pests for the European Union and for the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. CABI, Wallingford (GB), 1425 pp.
* De Meyer M., Copeland RS, Lux SA, Mansell M, Quilici S, Wharton R, White IM, Zenz NJ (2002) Annotated check list of host plants for Afrotropical fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the genus Ceratitis. Zoologische Documentatie Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika 27, 1-91.
* Bové JM, Vernière C, Garnier M (2001) Tristeza in Corsica and its eradication. In : Proceedings of the Conference of the International Organization of Citrus Virologist, Pathos, Chypre, 11-16 novembre 2001.
------- as Citrus madurensis
* Caruso P, Massimino Cocuzza GE, Di Silvestro S, Puglisi D, Bazzano M, Scuderi G, Catara A, Licciardello G (2024). The replication of Citrus tristeza virus VT isolates in ornamental Citrus and related rutaceous species implicates them as potential virus reservoirs in the Mediterranean area. Acta Horticulturae 1392, 105-111.
------- as Citrus madurensis. In experiments. High virus concentration, no symptoms
* Harper SJ, Pearson MN (2015) Citrus tristeza virus strains present in New Zealand and the South Pacific. Journal of Citrus Pathology 27580. 5 pp. iocv_journalcitruspathology_#27580.
------- as Citrus madurensis
* Moreno P, Ambrós S, Albiach-Martí R, Guerri J, Peña L (2008) Citrus tristeza virus: a pathogen that changed the course of the citrus industry. Molecular plant pathology 9(2), 251-268.
* Yoshida T (1996) Graft compatibility of Citrus with plants in the Aurantioideae and their susceptibility to citrus tristeza virus. Plant Disease 80, 414-417.
------ Fortunella polyandra. graft-inoculated.
* Caruso P, Massimino Cocuzza GE, Di Silvestro S, Puglisi D, Bazzano M, Scuderi G, Catara A, Licciardello G (2024). The replication of Citrus tristeza virus VT isolates in ornamental Citrus and related rutaceous species implicates them as potential virus reservoirs in the Mediterranean area. Acta Horticulturae 1392, 105-111.
------- in experiments, as 'Fortunella obovata'. high concentration of the virus, no symptoms
* Aubert B (1990) Integrated activities for the control of huanglongbing-greening and its vector Diaphorina citri Kuwayama in Asia. In Proceedings of the Fourth FAO-UNDP International Asia Pacific Conference on Citrus Rehabilitation (Vol. 410, pp. 133-144).
------- confirmed host
* Minutolo M, Cinque M, Di Serio F, Alioto D, Navarro B (2021) First report and characterization of citrus vein enation virus in Italy. Abstracts of a paper presented at the XXVI Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV) (Verona, IT, 2021-09-16/21) Journal of Plant Pathology 103, p 1112.
------- Detected in symptomless kumquat in Campania (IT).
* Kiely T (1948) Guignardia citricarpa n.sp. and its relationship to the black spot disease of citrus in coastal orchards of New South Wales. Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science 14, 81-83.
------- Recorded in Australia as moderately suceptible but no further experimental information is available.
* Hızal E, Öztemiz S, Gjonov I (2023) Phenology and host preferences of the invasive Pochazia shantungensis (Chou & Lu, 1977) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae), a risk for agriculture and forest areas in the West-Palaearctic Region. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 75(2), 251-258. https://www.acta-zoologica-bulgarica.eu/2023/002673
* Jin T, Kim JK, Byun HS, Choi HS, Cha B, Kwak HR, Kim M (2024) Occurrence and multiplex PCR detection of citrus yellow vein clearing virus in Korea. The Plant Pathology Journal 40(2), 125. https://doi.org/10.5423/PPJ.OA.09.2023.0136
* Goodey JB, Franklin MT, Hooper DJ (1965) T. Goodey's: The Nematode Parasites of Plants Catalogued Under Their Hosts. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal, Bucks, England. Third Edition.
* Nemaplex. Database of nematodes. Nemaplex.UCDavis.edu: Revision Date: 02/10/2025.
* Leblanc L, Vueti ET, Drew AI, Allwood AJ (2012) Host plant records for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacini) in the Pacific islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Society 44, 11-53.
* Hancock D, Hamacek EL, Lloyd AC, Elson-Harris MM (2000) The distribution and host plants of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Australia. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, 75 pp.