Heterobasidion irregulare(HETEIR)
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Heterobasidion irregulare on a pine stump.
Courtesy: Angelo Mazzaglia, University of Studies of Tuscia, Viterbo (IT).
Symptoms of Heterobasidion irregulare observed in Lazio region (IT).
Courtesy: Paolo Gonthier (University of Torino, IT) and Matteo Garbelotto (University of California, Berkeley, US).
Fruiting bodies of Heterobasidion irregulare.
Courtesy: Angelo Mazzaglia, University of Studies of Tuscia, Viterbo (IT).
Heterobasidion irregulare.
Courtesy: Paolo Gonthier (University of Torino, IT) and Matteo Garbelotto (University of California, Berkeley, US).
Symptoms of Heterobasidion irregulare observed in Lazio region (IT).
Courtesy: Paolo Gonthier (University of Torino, IT) and Matteo Garbelotto (University of California, Berkeley, US).
Pine trees killed by Heterobasidion irregulare in Castelporziano, Italy.
Courtesy: Angelo Mazzaglia, University of Studies of Tuscia, Viterbo (IT).
Photo taken during EPPO EWG for the preparation of EPPO Standard (PM9) on H. irregulare, funded by Emphasis EU project
Courtesy: Valerio Lucchesi
Photo taken during EPPO EWG for the preparation of EPPO Standard (PM9) on H. irregulare, funded by Emphasis EU project
Courtesy: Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)
Photo taken during EPPO EWG for the preparation of EPPO Standard (PM9) on H. irregulare, funded by Emphasis EU project
Courtesy: Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)
Photo taken during EPPO EWG for the preparation of EPPO Standard (PM9) on H. irregulare, funded by Emphasis EU project
Courtesy: Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)
Photo taken during EPPO EWG for the preparation of EPPO Standard (PM9) on H. irregulare, funded by Emphasis EU project
Courtesy: Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)
Photo taken during EPPO EWG for the preparation of EPPO Standard (PM9) on H. irregulare, funded by Emphasis EU project
Courtesy: Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)
Photo taken during EPPO EWG for the preparation of EPPO Standard (PM9) on H. irregulare, funded by Emphasis EU project
Courtesy: Valerio Lucchesi (EPPO)