EPPO Global Database

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides(HYDRA)

Code created in: 2002-08-21

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: HYDRA
  • Preferred name: Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
  • Authority: C. Linnaeus


Native to North, Central and South America.

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Hydrocotyle natans Cirillo

Common names
Name Language
floating pennywort English (US)
water pennywort English (GB)
großer Wassernabel German
hydrocotyle à feuilles de renoncule French
hydrocotyle fausse-renoncule French
chupana Spanish (CO)
hoja redonda Spanish
paraguas Spanish (CO)
sombrerito de agua Spanish (CO)
soldinella reniforme Italian
grote waternavel Dutch
щитолистник лютиковый Russian
saflilah metzuyah Hebrew
סַפְלִילָה מְצוּיָה Hebrew