Grosmannia wageneri(LEPGWA)
Distribution details in United States of America (Arizona)
From CABI Disease map 719 (1996): Present, no details
* Harrington, T.C.; Cobb, F.W. (1986) Varieties of Verticicladiella wageneri. Mycologia 78, 562-567.
* Fairweather ML, McMillin J, Rogers T, Conklin D, Fitzgibbon B (2006) Field Guide to Insects and Diseases of Arizona and New Mexico Forests. USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. 271 pp.
------- not found in Arizona
* Wagener WW, Mielke JL (1961) A staining-fungus root disease of ponderosa, Jeffrey, and pinyon pines. Plant Disease Reporter 48, 831-835.
------- fungus mentioned as Verticicladiella sp. mentioned as occasional on pinyon pines in Canyon de Chelly National Monument, northeastern Arizona in 1945, based on a letter.
* Fairweather ML, McMillin J, Rogers T, Conklin D, Fitzgibbon B (2006) Field Guide to Insects and Diseases of Arizona and New Mexico Forests. USDA Forest Service, Southwestern Region. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. 271 pp.
------- not found in Arizona
* Wagener WW, Mielke JL (1961) A staining-fungus root disease of ponderosa, Jeffrey, and pinyon pines. Plant Disease Reporter 48, 831-835.
------- fungus mentioned as Verticicladiella sp. mentioned as occasional on pinyon pines in Canyon de Chelly National Monument, northeastern Arizona in 1945, based on a letter.
Country | State | Status | |
Canada | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Canada | British Columbia | Present, no details |