EPPO Global Database

Malacosoma disstria(MALADI)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Acer saccharum (ACRSC) Major host
* MacDonald ZG, Snape KL, Roe AD,  Sperling FAH (2022) Host association, environment, and geography underlie genomic differentiation in a major forest pest. Evolutionary Applications, 15, 1749– 1765. https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13466
Betula papyrifera (BETPA) Major host
* MacDonald ZG, Snape KL, Roe AD,  Sperling FAH (2022) Host association, environment, and geography underlie genomic differentiation in a major forest pest. Evolutionary Applications, 15, 1749– 1765. https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13466
Liquidambar styraciflua (LIQST) Major host
Nyssa aquatica (NYSAQ) Major host
Nyssa sylvatica (NYSSY) Major host
Populus tremuloides (POPTM) Major host
* MacDonald ZG, Snape KL, Roe AD,  Sperling FAH (2022) Host association, environment, and geography underlie genomic differentiation in a major forest pest. Evolutionary Applications, 15, 1749– 1765. https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13466
Quercus macrocarpa (QUEMC) Major host
Quercus nigra (QUENI) Major host
Quercus phellos (QUEPH) Major host
Quercus rubra (QUERU) Major host
* MacDonald ZG, Snape KL, Roe AD,  Sperling FAH (2022) Host association, environment, and geography underlie genomic differentiation in a major forest pest. Evolutionary Applications, 15, 1749– 1765. https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13466
Acer (1ACRG) Host
Alnus (1ALUG) Host
Amelanchier (1AMEG) Host
Betula (1BETG) Host
Cornus (1CRWG) Host
Corylus (1CYLG) Host
Fraxinus (1FRXG) Host
Malus (1MABG) Host
Nyssa (1NYSG) Host
Ostrya (1OSTG) Host
Populus (1POPG) Host
Prunus (1PRNG) Host
Pyrus (1PYUG) Host
Quercus (1QUEG) Host