* Boopathi T (2022) New host plants, natural enemy complex and newly distributed potential areas of exotic spiralling whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in India. Phytoparasitica 50(2), 335-357.
* Bolzan A, Nava DE, Garcia FR, Valgas RA, Smaniotto G (2015) Biology of Anastrepha grandis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in different cucurbits. Journal of Economic Entomology 108(3), 1034-1039
* Lim J, Jung S-Y, Lim J-S, Jang J, Kim K-M, Lee Y-M, Lee B-W (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53(2), 111-133.
* He Y, Xu Y, Chen X (2023) Biology, ecology and management of Tephritid fruit flies in China: A review. Insects 14, 196. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14020196
* Allwood AJ, Chinajariyawong A, Kritsaneepaiboon S, Drew RAI, Hamacek EL, Hancock DL, Hengsawad C, Jinapin JC, Jirasurat M, Krong CK, Leong CTS, Vijaysegaran S (1999) Host plant records for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Southeast Asia. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 47(7), 1-92.
* He Y, Xu Y, Chen X (2023) Biology, ecology and management of Tephritid fruit flies in China: A review. Insects 14, 196. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14020196
* Hancock D, Hamacek EL, Lloyd AC, Elson-Harris MM (2000) The distribution and host plants of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Australia. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, 75 pp.
------- One record.
* Liquido NJ, Cunnigham RT, Nakagawa S (1990) Host plants of Mediterranean fruit fly on the island of Hawaii (1949-1985 survey). Journal of Economic Entomology 83(5), 1863-1878,
* Steenken N, Halaweh N (2011) Host plant preference study for Ceratothripoides claratris (Shumsher) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and CaCV (Genus Tospovirus; Family Bunyaviridae) in Bangkok, Thailand. Journal of Entomology 8(2), 198-203.
* Shakeel MT, Al‐Saleh MA, Amer MA, Al‐Shahwan IM, Umar M, Dimou N, Orfanidou CG, Zakri AM, Katis NI (2017) Molecular characterization and natural host range of Tomato chlorosis virus in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Plant Pathology 99, 415–421. http://dx.doi.org/10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3860
------- confirmed host
* Hassani IM, Delatte H, Ravaomanarivo LH, Nouhou S, Duyck PF (2022) Niche partitioning via host plants and altitude among fruit flies following the invasion of Bactrocera dorsalis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1111/afe.12522
* Hassani IM, Delatte H, Ravaomanarivo LH, Nouhou S, Duyck PF (2022) Niche partitioning via host plants and altitude among fruit flies following the invasion of Bactrocera dorsalis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1111/afe.12522
* Drew RAI, Romig MC (2013) Tropical Fruit Flies of South-East Asia. CABI, Wallingford, 653 pp.
* McQuate GT, Liquido NJ, Nakamichi KAA (2018) Host plant records of the lesser pumpkin fly, Dacus ciliatus Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae), Version 1.0. Available online at: USDA Compendium of Fruit Fly Host Information (CoFFHI), Edition 3.1.
* Tsuruta K, White IM, Bandara HMJ, Rajapakse H, Sundaraperuma SAH, Kahawatta SBMUC, Rajapakse GBJP (1997) A preliminary notes on the host-plants of fruit flies of the tribe Dacini (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Sri Lanka. Esakia 37, 149-160.
* White IM (2006) Taxonomy of the Dacina (Diptera: Tephritidae) of Africa and the Middle East. African Entomology Memoir 2, 156 pp.
* Peña JE, Waddill VH, Elsey KD (1987) Population dynamics of the pickleworm and the melonworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Florida. Environmental entomology 16(5), 1057-1061.
* Adlerz WC (1980) Ecological observations on two leafhoppers that transmit the Pierce’s disease bacteria. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 93, 115-120.
------- Adults were observed on this plant.
* Foba CN, Salifu D, Lagat ZP, Gitonga LM, Akutse KS, Fiaboe KKM (2015) Species composition, distribution and seasonal abundance of Liriomyza leafminers (Diptera: Agromyzidae) under different vegetable production systems and agroecological zones in Kenya. Environmental Entomology 44, 223-232.
------- Confirmed host. Reared from infested leaves collected in the field.
* Koch CK, Waterhouse DF (2000) The distribution and importance of arthropods associated with agriculture and forestry in Chile. ACIAR Monograph no. 68, 234 pp.
* Shindo JI, Kinota M, Inokuchi S, Kimura Y, Fujimura T (2005) Occurrence of pea leafminer, Liromyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), in Aomori Prefecture. Annual Report of the Society of Plant Protection of North Japan 56, 145-148.
* Wei J, Zou L, Kuang R, He L (2000) Influence of leaf tissue structure on host feeding selection by pea leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Zoological Studies 39, 295-300.
* Tran DH (2009) Agromyzid leaf miners and their parasitoids on vegetables in Central Vietnam. Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences 15(2), 21-33.
------- confirmed host. Reared from infested leaves collected in commercial vegetable fields
* Reyes CP (1994) Thysanoptera (Hexapoda) of the Philippine Islands. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 42(2), 107-507.
* Sartiami D, Mound LA (2013) Identification of the terebrantian thrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera) associated with cultivated plants in Java, Indonesia. ZooKeys 306, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.306.5455
------- Collected from this plant in Java (Indonesia).
* Pan ZC, Xu J, Prior P, Xu JS, Zhang H, Chen KY, Tian Q, Zhang LQ, Liu L, He LY, Feng J (2013) Development of a specific molecular tool for the detection of epidemiologically active mulberry causing-disease strains of Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype I (historically race 5-biovar 5) in China. European journal of plant pathology 137(2), 377-391.
* Xu J, Pan ZC, Prior P, Xu JS, Zhang Z, Zhang H, Zhang LQ, He LY, Feng J (2009) Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum strains from China. European Journal of Pathology 125(4), 641-653.
* Pan ZC, Xu J, Prior P, Xu JS, Zhang H, Chen KY, Tian Q, Zhang LQ, Liu L, He LY, Feng J (2013) Development of a specific molecular tool for the detection of epidemiologically active mulberry causing-disease strains of Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype I (historically race 5-biovar 5) in China. European journal of plant pathology 137(2), 377-391.
* Xu J, Pan ZC, Prior P, Xu JS, Zhang Z, Zhang H, Zhang LQ, He LY, Feng J (2009) Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum strains from China. European Journal of Pathology 125(4), 641-653.
* Brito R, Specht A, Gonçalves GL, Moreira GRP, Carneiro E, Santos FL, Roque-Specht VF, Mielke OHH, Casagrande MM (2019) Spodoptera marima: a new synonym of Spodoptera ornithogalli (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), with notes on adult morphology, host plant use and genetic variation along its geographic range. Neotropical Entomology 48(3), 433-448.
* Heppner JB (2007) Lepidoptera of Florida. Part 1. Introduction and catalog. Gainesville, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, p 670.
* Kajita H, Hirose Y, Takagi M, Okajima S, Napompeth B, Buranapanichpan S (1996) Host plants and abundance of Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), an important pest of vegetables in Southeast Asia. Applied Entomology and Zoology 31(1), 87-94,
* Kalpana Tillekaratne, Edirisinghe JP, Gunatilleke CVS, Karunaratne AIP (2011) A checklist of thrips species of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science (Bio. Sci.) 40(2), 89-108.
* Rachana RR, Roselin P, Amutha M, Sireesha K, Narasa Reddy G (2022) Invasive pest, Thrips parvispinus (Karny)(Thysanoptera: Thripidae) a looming threat to Indian agriculture. Current Science 122(2), 211-213.
* Dominiak BC, Worsley P (2018) Review of cucumber fruit fly, Bactrocera cucumis (French) (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae) in Australia: Part 1, host range, surveillance and distribution. Crop Protection 106, 79-85.
* Tahir M, Haider MS (2005) First report of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting bitter gourd in Pakistan. Plant Pathology, 54: 807-807. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01215.x
----- confirmed host.
* De Meyer M, Delatte H, Mwatawala M, Quilici S, Vayssières JF, Virgilio M (2015) A review of the current knowledge on Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera, Tephritidae) in Africa, with a list of species included in Zeugodacus. ZooKeys 540, 539-557. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.540.9672
* He Y, Xu Y, Chen X (2023) Biology, ecology and management of Tephritid fruit flies in China: A review. Insects 14, 196. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14020196
* Leblanc L (2022) The dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacini) of Oceania. Insecta Mundi 0948, 1-167. https://journals.flvc.org/mundi/article/view/131965/135549
* Adkins S, Webb SE, Baker CA, Kousik CS (2008) Squash vein yellowing virus detection using nested polymerase chain reaction demonstrates that the cucurbit weed Momordica charantia is a reservoir host. Plant Disease 92, 1119-1123.