EPPO Global Database

Macrotyloma biflorum(MTMBI)

Code created in: 2004-04-22

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: MTMBI
  • Preferred name: Macrotyloma biflorum
  • Authority: (Schumacher & Thonning) Hepper


West Africa (Sénégal to Cameroon), to Sudan and Ethiopia, Central Africa to Angola and Zambia

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Dolichos biflorus Linnaeus
Dolichos chrysanthus Chevalier
Glycine biflora Schumacher & Thonning
Macrotyloma biflorum var. biflorum (Schumacher & Thonning) Hepper
Macrotyloma chrysanthus (A.Chevalier) Verdcourt