EPPO Global Database

Neonectria ditissima(NECTGA)

Code created in: 2001-02-20

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Neonectria ditissima
  • Authority: (Tulasne & C. Tulasne) Samuels & Rossman

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Cylindrocarpon heteronemum (Berkeley & Broome) Wollenweber
Cylindrocarpon mali (Allescher) Wollenweber
Cylindrocarpon willkommii (Lindau) Wollenweber
Fusarium willkommii Lindau
Nectria ditissima Tulasne & C. Tulasne
Nectria galligena Bresadola
Neonectria galligena (Bresadola) Rossmann & Samuels

Common names
Name Language
canker of beech English
chancre du hêtre English
dieback of beech English
European canker of apple English
eye rot of apple English
eye rot of pear English
postharvest rot of apple English
Krebs: Apfel German
Krebs: Buche German
Krebs: Kirsche German
Lagerfäule: Apfel German
Obstbaumkrebs German
Rindenbrand: Obstgehölze German
brûlure des pousses du hêtre French
chancre des arbres fruitiers à pépins French
chancre européen du poirier French
chancre européen du pommier French
cancro del haya Spanish
cancro del manzano Spanish
cancro del peral Spanish
cancro europeo del manzano Spanish
cancro europeo del peral Spanish
obelų paprastasis vėžys Lithuanian