Tilletia indica(NEOVIN)
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For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Teliospores of Tilletia indica (Karnal bunt of wheat) showing surface ornamentation patterns: spines densely arranged, either individually (densely echinulate) or in closely spaced, narrow ridges (finely cerebriform).
Courtesy: Central Science Laboratory, York (GB) - British Crown.
Grain infected with Tilletia indica (Karnal bunt). Symptoms range from partial bunting (point infections and infections spreading down the adaxial groove) to almost complete bunting.
Courtesy: GL Peterson, USDA (US).
Teliospores of T. indica in median view, x 200.
Courtesy: R. Duran, Washington State University (US).
Teliospores of T. indica in surface view, x 160.
Courtesy: R. Duran, Washington State University (US).
Germinated teliospore, basidium and sporidia of T. indica, x 200.
Courtesy: R. Duran, Washington State University (US).
Germinated teliospore, basidium and sporidia of T. indica, x 160.
Courtesy: R. Duran, Washington State University (US).
Teliospores of T. indica in median view, x 160.
Courtesy: R. Duran, Washington State University (US).
Karnal bunt of wheat
Courtesy: Emine Burcu Turgay, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry