EPPO Global Database

Dichorhavirus orchidaceae(OFV000)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Aspidistra elatior (AJDEL) Host
* Fife A, Carrillo D, Knox G, Iriarte F, Dey K, Roy A, Ochoa R, Bauchan G, Paret M, Martini X (2021) Brevipalpus-transmitted Orchid Fleck Virus infecting three new ornamental hosts in Florida. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 12(1), 43. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmab035
Citrus reticulata (CIDRE) Host
* Olmedo-Velarde A, Roy A, Padmanabhan C, Nunziata S, Nakhla MK, Melzer MJ (2021) First report of Orchid fleck virus associated with Citrus leprosis symptoms in rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri) and mandarin (C. reticulata) the United States. Plant Disease 105(8), 2258. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-20-2736-PDN

* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
Citrus x aurantiifolia (CIDAF) Host
* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
Citrus x aurantium (CIDAU) Host
* Cruz-Jaramillo JL, Ruiz-Medrano R, Rojas-Morales L, Lopez-Buenfil JA, Morales-Galvan O, Chavarin-Palacio C, Ramirez-Pool JA, Xoconostle-Cazares B (2014) Characterization of a proposed Dichorhavirus associated with the Citrus leprosis disease and analysis of the host response. Viruses 6, 2602-2622. https://doi.org/10.3390/v6072602

* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
------- OFV.

* Roy A, Stone AL, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Brlansky RH, Ochoa R, Hartung JS (2020) Reassortment of genome segments creates stable lineages among strains of orchid fleck virus infecting citrus in Mexico. Phytopathology 110, 106-120. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-07-19-0253-FI
------- OFV-Cit2.
Citrus x aurantium var. paradisi (CIDPA) Host
* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
Citrus x aurantium var. sinensis (CIDSI) Host
* Cook G, Kirkman W, Clase R, Steyn C, Basson E, Fourie PH, Moore SD, Grout TG, Carstens E, Hattingh V (2019) Orchid fleck virus associated with the first case of citrus leprosis-N in South Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology 155, 1373-1379.

* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
------- OFV.

* Roy A, Stone AL, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Brlansky RH, Ochoa R, Hartung JS (2020) Reassortment of genome segments creates stable lineages among strains of orchid fleck virus infecting citrus in Mexico. Phytopathology 110, 106-120. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-07-19-0253-FI
------- OFV-Cit2.
Citrus x latifolia (CIDLA) Host
* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
Citrus x limon (CIDLI) Host
* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
Citrus x limonia var. jambhiri (CIDJA) Host
* Olmedo-Velarde A, Roy A, Padmanabhan C, Nunziata S, Nakhla MK, Melzer MJ (2021) First report of Orchid fleck virus associated with Citrus leprosis symptoms in rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri) and mandarin (C. reticulata) the United States. Plant Disease 105(8), 2258. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-20-2736-PDN
Citrus x limon var. limetta (CIDLM) Host
* Roy A, Stone AL, Shao J, Otero-Colina G, Wei G, Achor D, Choudhary N, Levy L, Nakhla MK, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Brlansky RL (2015) Identification and characterization of nuclear Citrus leprosis virus, an unassigned Dichorhavirus genus associated with Citrus leprosis disease in Mexico. Phytopathology 105, 564-575. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-09-14-0245-R
Coelogyne magna (CGYMG) Host
* Harju V, Fowkes AR, Skelton A, Adams IP, Mcgreig S, Forde SM, Pufal H, Conyers C, Frew L, Fox A (2024) First detection of orchid fleck virus on Veronica spicata and Dendrochilum magnum. New Disease Reports. e12312. https://doi.org/10.1002/ndr2.12312
------- as Dendrochilum magnum.
Liriope muscari (LRIMU) Host
* Fife A, Carrillo D, Knox G, Iriarte F, Dey K, Roy A, Ochoa R, Bauchan G, Paret M, Martini X (2021) Brevipalpus-transmitted Orchid Fleck Virus infecting three new ornamental hosts in Florida. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 12(1), 43. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmab035
Ophiopogon intermedius (OPPIN) Host
* Fife A, Carrillo D, Knox G, Iriarte F, Dey K, Roy A, Ochoa R, Bauchan G, Paret M, Martini X (2021) Brevipalpus-transmitted Orchid Fleck Virus infecting three new ornamental hosts in Florida. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 12(1), 43. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmab035
Phalaenopsis hybrids (PQAHY) Host
* Bratsch SA, Lockhart BE, Ishimaru C (2015) Confirmation of first report of Orchid fleck virus in Phalaenopsis hybrid orchids in the USA. Plant Health Progress 16(4), 146-148.
Smilax auriculata (SMIAU) Host
* Dey KK, Velez-Climent M, Padmanabhan C, Nunziata S, Rivera Y, McVay J, Roy A (2023) Smilax auriculata: a new host for Orchid fleck dichorhavirus identified in Florida, USA. Plant Disease 106(8), 2271. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-21-2085-PDN
Veronica spicata (VERSP) Host
* Harju V, Fowkes AR, Skelton A, Adams IP, Mcgreig S, Forde SM, Pufal H, Conyers C, Frew L, Fox A (2024) First detection of orchid fleck virus on Veronica spicata and Dendrochilum magnum. New Disease Reports. e12312. https://doi.org/10.1002/ndr2.12312