EPPO Global Database

Passiflora sp.(PAQSS)


Organism Type
Tetranychus mexicanus (as Passiflora) (TETRME) Doubtful host
* EPPO (2023) Pest risk analysis for Tetranychus mexicanus. EPPO, Paris
------- uncertain host (see PRA for details)

* Flechtmann C & Abreu J (1973) Ácaros Fitófagos do Estado da Bahia, Brasil (Notas preliminares). Ciência e Cultura, 25(3), 244–251.
Closterovirus tristezae (as Passiflora) (CTV000) Experimental
* Roistacher CN, Bar-Joseph M (1987) Transmission of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) by Aphis gossypii and by graft inoculation to and from Passiflora spp. Phytophylactica 19, 179-182.
------- in experiments, the following species were sensitive: P. gracilis, P. caerulea, P. incense, P.  incarnata. 
Brevipalpus yothersi (as Passiflora) (BRVPYO) Host
* Beard JJ, Ochoa R, Braswell WE, Bauchan GR (2015) Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) species complex (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) – a closer look. Zootaxa 3944(1), 67 pp. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3944.1.1
Ceratitis fasciventris (CERTFA) Host
True Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Afrotropical Region. Ceratitis fasciventris. Specimens. http://projects.bebif.be/fruitfly/taxoninfo.html?id=63
------- Passuflora sp. listed as a host.
Leptoglossus australis (as Passiflora) (LEPLAU) Host
Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (PHMPOM) Host
* Anonymous (1960) Index of Plant Diseases in the United States. Agriculture Handbook no 165, USDA-ARS (US) 531 pp.
Planococcus kenyae (as Passiflora) (PLANKE) Host
Tetranychus fijiensis (as Passiflora) (TETRFI) Host
Thaumatotibia leucotreta (ARGPLE) Host
* Kirkman W & Moore S (2007) A study of alternative hosts for the false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta in the Eastern Cape. SA Fruit Journal (apr/may): 33-38.
Potyvirus vignae (as Passiflora) (CABMV0) Major host
* Carvalho BM, Viana AP, da Silva FA, dos Santos PH, Eiras M, Santos EA (2021) How segregating populations of passion fruit react to CABMV infection?. European Journal of Plant Pathology 160, 855–866.
Anastrepha fraterculus (ANSTFR) Wild/Weed
* Kovaleski A, Uramoto K, Sugayama RL, Canal NA, Malavasi A (1999) A survey of Anastrepha Schiner (Diptera, Tephritidae) species in the apple growing area of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 43, 229–234.
------- Passiflora cf. subpeltata