EPPO Global Database

Philaenus spumarius(PHILSU)

Distribution details in Spain (Islas Baleares)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2020: Present, no details
* Serra AJ, Beidas Soler O, Olmo Garcia D, de Dios Garcia Lopez J, Closa Salinas S (2020) Baleares: adaptandose a la bacteria Xylella fastidiosa. Phytoma-Espana no. 317, 16-29.

* Tugores MA, Lopez L, Miranda MA, Delgado S, Peredes C, Segui G, Menendez-Muntaner A, Lalucat J, Gomila M, Barcelo C, Lester K, Kenyon DM, Ruiz M (2018) Especies de vectores potenciales de Xylella fastidiosa en las Islas Baleares: resultados de 2018. Phytoma-Espana no. 304, 124-125.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
France Present, no details view...
France Corse Present, no details view...
Morocco Absent, confirmed by survey view...
Portugal Present, no details view...
Portugal Azores Present, no details view...