EPPO Global Database

Philaenus spumarius(PHILSU)

Vector of

Important note on vectors:
Information on vectors and their associated pathogens is a new feature of the database (April 2023). Data will gradually be entered by the EPPO Secretariat and will focus on regulated (quarantine) pests.
Organism Type
'Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini' (PHYPFR) Potential vector
* Matteoni JA, Sinclair WA (1988) Elm yellows and ash yellows. Tree mycoplasmas and mycoplasma diseases. 19-31. University of Alberta. Press.
Xylella fastidiosa (XYLEFA) Known vector
* Saponari M, Loconsole G, Cornara D, Yokomi RK, De Stradis A, Boscia D, Bosco D, Martelli GP, Krugner R, Porcelli F (2014) Infectivity and transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Apulia, Italy. Journal of Economic Entomology 107(4), 1316-1319.