Phytophthora cinnamomi(PHYTCN)
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A. Coralloid-type mycelium with a hyphal swelling. B. Cluster of hyphal swellings. C. Hyphal swelling with a bizarre shape.

A. An avocado tree affected by Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot showing secondary symptoms of decline. B. Collar rot of an avocado tree caused by P. cinnamomi. This symptom occurs only on very susceptible rootstocks. The bark has been peeled off to show the brown lesion in the wood. C. Colonies of P. cinnamomi growing from avocado root segments plated on BNPRAH selective medium.

Comparison between sexual structures of P. cinnamomi and P. cambivora. A. Oogonium, oospore and antheridium (amphigynous) of P. cinnamomi. B. Oogonium, oospore and antheridium (amphigynous) of P. cambivora. Note the bullate wall of the oogonium, which is a unique morphological feature of this species.