Phytophthora rubi(PHYTFU)
Distribution details in Chile
From CABI Disease map 903 (2003): Present, restricted distribution
* Wilcox, W.F.; Latorre, B.A. (1995) Identity and distribution of Phytophthora spp. causing root rot of raspberry in Chile. Abstracts of presentations made at the 1995 APS annual meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1995-09-12/16. Phytopathology, 85(10), p 1150.
* Wilcox, W. F.; Latorre, B. A. (2002) Plant Disease 86 (12), 1357-1362.
------- South and central regions.
* Wilcox, W. F.; Latorre, B. A. (2002) Plant Disease 86 (12), 1357-1362.
------- South and central regions.