Phytophthora rubi(PHYTFU)
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Oospores of P. fragariae var. rubi (x 400).
Courtesy: A. Bolay, Station Fédérale de Recherches Agronomiques de Changins (CH).
Symptoms on raspberry roots (Rubus idaeus var. Glen Moy). Note the brownish area sharply demarcated from healthy tissue and the reddish discoloration on some roots.
Courtesy: C. Olsson, Swedish Board of Agriculture, Göteborg (SE).
Wilting of a raspberry cane of two-years old, when fruits are riped. Plants are dying by dessication, as roots completely loose their assimilation capability.
Courtesy: A. Bolay, Station Fédérale de Recherches Agronomiques de Changins (CH).
Sudden wilt of suckers of the year. Foci extend from one year to another according to the soil cultural operations and rainwash.
Courtesy: A. Bolay, Station Fédérale de Recherches Agronomiques de Changins (CH).
Symptoms on raspberry roots (Rubus idaeus var. Glen Moy). Note the brownish area sharply demarcated from healthy tissue. C. Olsson Swedish Board of Agriculture, Göteborg (SE)

Healthy raspberry roots (right) and roots infected by P. fragariae var. rubi (left). On infected plants, the secondary root system is completely destroyed, and wilting is then irreversible.
Courtesy: A. Bolay, Station Fédérale de Recherches Agronomiques de Changins (CH).
The start of zoospore release from a mature sporangium. Membrane then ruptures to release 20-30 active zoospores.
Courtesy: Ruth D'urban-Jackson. RSK ADAS Ltd., UK.
Symptoms on raspberry roots (Rubus idaeus var. Glen Moy). Note the reddish coloured area on the root.
Courtesy: C. Olsson, Swedish Board of Agriculture, Göteborg (SE).
Progressive stem necrosis caused by Phytophthora rubi on raspberries.
Courtesy: Kristine Paruma - State Plant Protection Service of Latvia