EPPO Global Database

Populus fremontii(POPFR)


Organism Type
Garella musculana (as Populus) (ERSHMU) Doubtful host
* EFSA Panel on Plant Health (2021) Commodity risk assessment of Juglans regia plants from Turkey. EFSA Journal 19(6), 6665, 99 pp. https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6665
------- mentions Populus as host, citing Robinson et al. (2010). However no reference is provided in Robinson et al. and no other reference was found that supports that Populus is a host. 

* Robinson GS, Ackery PR, Kitching IJ, Beccaloni GW and Hernandez LM (2010) HOSTS–a database of the world’s Lepidopteran hostplants. Natural History Museum, London. Available online: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosts [Accessed: 3 March 2021]
Agrilus fleischeri (as Populus) (AGRLFL) Host
* Jendek E & Grebennikov V (2011) Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) of East Asia. Prague, Czech Republic: Nakladatelství Jan Farkač.
Aonidiella citrina (as Populus) (AONDCI) Host
Apriona cinerea (as Populus) (APRICI) Host
* Singh P, Prasad G (1985) Poplar stem borer, Apriona cinerea Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) its biology, ecology and control. Indian
Forester 111(7), 517-524.
Apriona germari (as Populus) (APRIGE) Host
* Lim J, Jung S-Y, Lim J-S, Jang J, Kim K-M, Lee Y-M, Lee B-W (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53(2), 111-133.
Apriona rugicollis (as Populus) (APRIJA) Host
Arrhenodes minutus (as Populus) (ARRHMI) Host
* Bright DE (1993) The Insects and Arachnids of Canada,  Part 21. The Weevils of Canada and Alaska: Volume 1. Coleoptera: Curculionidea, excluding Scolytidae and Curculionidae. Agriculture Canada Publication 1882, 217 pp.

* MacAloney HJ, Ewan HG (1964) Identification of hardwood insects by type of tree injury, north-central region. US Forest Service. Research Paper LS-11. 70 pp.
------- As aspen.

* Solomon JD (1995) Guide to Insect Borers in North American Broadleaf Trees and Shrubs. Agriculture Handbook AH-706, Washington D.C., 735 pp.
------- As poplar. Citing Shenefelt & Benjamin (1955).
Carlavirus populi (as Populus) (POPMV0) Host
Ceroplastes ceriferus (as Populus) (CERPCE) Host
Chrysobothris femorata (CHRBFE) Host
* EPPO (2021) EPPO Technical Document No. 1083. Pest risk analysis for Chrysobothris femorata and C. mali. EPPO, Paris. Available at https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/CHRBFE/documents
------- confirmed true host of Chrysobothis femorata sensu stricto (Wellso & Manley, 2007)

* Rudolph EA, Wiman NG (2023) Insights from specimen data for two economic Chrysobothris species (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in the western United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America (early view). https://doi.org/10.1093/aesa/saad009
------- Study on museum specimen labels (adults caught flying to this tree species, or reared from it).

* Wellso SG & Manley GV (2007) A revision of the Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier, 1790) species group from North America, north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Zootaxa, 26(1652), 1–26.
Euproctis chrysorrhoea (as Populus) (EUPRCH) Host
Euwallacea fornicatus sensu lato (XYLBFO) Host
* University of California. Invasive shot hole borers. ISHB reproductive hosts. https://ucanr.edu/sites/pshb/pest-overview/ishb-reproductive-hosts/ (last accessed 2021-03)
-------- Susceptible reproductive host (infection may cause tree death).
Euwallacea fornicatus sensu stricto (EUWAWH) Host
* Mendel Z, Lynch SC, Eskalen A, Protasov A, Maymon M, Freeman S (2021) What determines host range and reproductive performance of an invasive ambrosia beetle Euwallacea fornicatus; lessons from Israel and California. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4, 654702.
------- Reproductive host tree in California (US).
Euwallacea kuroshio (as Populus) (EUWAKU) Host
* Smith SM, Gomez DF, Beaver RA, Hulcr J, Cognato AI (2019) Reassessment of the species in the Euwallacea fornicatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) complex after the rediscovery of the ‘lost’ type specimen. Insects 10, 261. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects10090261
Fusarium euwallaceae (FUSAEW) Host
Graphocephala atropunctata (GRCPAT) Host
* Purcell AH, Saunders SR (1999) Fate of Pierce's disease strains of Xylella fastidiosa in common riparian plants in California. Plant Disease 83, 825-830.
Halyomorpha halys (HALYHA) Host
* Holthouse MC, Spears LR, Alston DG (2021) Urban host plant utilisation by the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) in northern Utah. NeoBiota 64, 87–101. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.64.60050
Lepidosaphes ussuriensis (as Populus) (LEPSUS) Host
Malacosoma disstria (as Populus) (MALADI) Host
Megaplatypus mutatus (as Populus) (PLTPMU) Host
* Giménez RA, Etiennot AE (2003) Host range of Platypus mutatus. Entomotropica 18, 89–94.
Melampsora medusae (as Populus) (MELMME) Host
Melampsora medusae f. sp. deltoidis (as Populus) (MELMMD) Host
Operophtera brumata (as Populus) (CHEIBR) Host
Orgyia leucostigma (HEMELE) Host
* Heppner JB (2003) Lepidoptera of Florida. Part 1. Introduction and catalog. Volume 17 of Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas. Division of Plant Industry. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gainesville, Florida. 670 pp

* Robinson GS, Ackery PR, Kitching IJ, Beccaloni GW & Hernández LM (2010) HOST - A database of the world's Lepidopteran hostplants. Natural History Museum, London. https://www.nhm.ac.uk (Accessed on 7 December 2020 and 21 March 2021)
Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (PHMPOM) Host
* Streets RB (1937) Phymatotrichum (cotton or Texas) root rot in Arizona. Technical Bulletin, Arizona University College of Agriculture No. 71. 
Pseudococcus comstocki (as Populus) (PSECCO) Host
Trichoferus campestris (as Populus) (HESOCA) Host
* CAPS (2019) Trichoferus campestris. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey pest datasheets. http://download.ceris.purdue.edu/file/3869

* Iwata R & Yamada F (1990) Notes on the biology of Hesperophanes campestris, a drywood borer in Japan. Material und Organismen 25, 305–313.

* Lim J, Jung SY, Lim JS, Jang J, Kim KM, Lee YM, Lee BW (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53, 111-133.
-------- Living host.

* Sama G, Fallandhzadeh M, Rapuzzi P (2005) Notes on some Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Iran with description of two new species (Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae). Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna 20, 123-132.
Xanthomonas populi (as Populus) (XANTPO) Host
Xylosandrus germanus (as Populus) (XYLBGE) Host
Anoplophora chinensis (as Populus) (ANOLCN) Major host
* Lim J, Jung S-Y, Lim J-S, Jang J, Kim K-M, Lee Y-M, Lee B-W (2014) A review of host plants of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) with new host records for fourteen Cerambycids, including the Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky), in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 53(2), 111-133.

* Sjöman H, Östberg J & Nilsson J (2014) Review of host trees for the wood-boring pests Anoplophora glabripennis and Anoplophora chinensis: an urban forest perspective. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 40(3), 143–164.
Anoplophora glabripennis (as Populus) (ANOLGL) Major host
* Sjöman H, Östberg J & Nilsson J (2014) Review of host trees for the wood-boring pests Anoplophora glabripennis and Anoplophora chinensis: an urban forest perspective. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 40(3), 143–164.
Orgyia leucostigma (as Populus) (HEMELE) Major host
* Drooz AT (1985) Insects of eastern forests. USDA Forest Service, Miscellaneous Publication 1426, 608 pp.

* Van Driesche RG, LaForest JH, Bargeron CT, Reardon RC, Herlihy M (2012) Forest Pest Insects in North America: a Photographic Guide. USDA Forest Service. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. Morgantown, WV. FHTET-2012-02.

* Webster RL (1916) The white-marked tussock-moth. Circular. Paper 33. https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/iaes_circulars/39