EPPO Global Database

Potyvirus plumpoxi(PPV000)

Distribution details in Italy

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2018: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 1973
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present only in some parts of the Member State concerned, under containment, in case eradication is impossible (2018-09)
From CABI Disease map 392 (2007): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service 497/09: found in apricot orchards in the north-west, eradication programme continues. Also EPPO Reporting Service 506/04. Subject to official control by ministerial order D.M. 26.11.92.

EPPO Reporting Service (1993/85) : attempt to eradicate in Trento province. First report in 1977, eradication programme initiated in 1984, continued 1985/1992. Total eradication achieved in only 3 of 12 zones.

EPPO Reporting Service (1993/87) : present in 60% of orchards checked in 1992 in Piemonte province.

EPPO Reporting Service (1997/186) : a sweet cherry isolate (known as PPV-C) found in southern Italy.

EPPO Reporting Service (1997/192) : only PPV-D until recently. PPV-M found for first time in 1995/1996, on peach in Veneto and Emilia-Romagna. Both isolates now found in Trentino.

EPPO Reporting Service (1999/095) : 74 foci found in Emilia-Romagna in 1998, and 14 in Lombardia. Most serious near Brescia.

EPPO Reporting Service (2000/077) : reported in Piemonte-Val d'Aosta, Lombardia and Veneto in 1999. Incidence is generally low

EPPO Reporting Service (2002/018) : found in 1999 and 2000 in plum and apricot orchards in provinces of Napoli, Caserta and Salerno (Campania region).

EPPO Reporting Service (2006/025) : in 2004, first found in Friuli-Venezia Giulia region on plum. Under eradication.

EPPO Reporting Service (2007/124) : strains D, M and Rec. (PPV-C no longer found).

EPPO Reporting Service (2010/036) : found in Piemonte and Puglia.

EPPO Reporting Service (2010/120) : PPV-M detected in Puglia on peach and apricot.

EPPO Reporting Service (2011/003) : deteted in Emilia-Romagna on peach (mother trees), all infected plants were destroyed.

EPPO Reporting Service (2011/108) : detected in Abruzzo, under eradication.

EPPO Reporting Service (2015/057) : first confirmed report of PPV in Sicilia near Catania (PPV-M), under eradication.
* Anonymous (1998) Bilancio Fitosanitario dell'anno 1998. Informatore Fitopatologico, no. 3, 5-34 and no. 4, 3-39.

* Camele, I.; Nuzzaci, M.; Rana, G. L.; Stradis, A. de (1992) Informatore Agrario 48 (31), 51-53.
------- On Cafona apricot in Basilicata.

* Canova, A.; Giunchedi, L.; Credi, R.; Albertini, A.; Nicolli, C. (1977) Frutticoltura 39 (6), 17-23.
------- The spread of PPV in Italy since its arrival in 1973 is discussed.

* Conti M (1993) Further studies on aphid transmission of plum pox potyvirus. Colloque sur les maladies nouvelles ou d'introduction récente en France, en Italie et dans le bassin méditerranéen. Alghero, IT, 1993-04-14/18.

* Di Terlizzi B, Boscia D (2006) Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 36(2), p 210.
------- PPV-D, PPV-M, PPV-Rec, PPV-C was no longer found.

* Filippo, G. de; Lugani, V. (1997) Informatore Agrario 53 (12), 97-99.
------- Lombardy, since 1996.

* Giunchedi, L.; Pollini, C. P.; Vicchi, V. (1983) Informatore Fitopatologico 33 (3), 53-60.
------- In Romagna.

* Myrta, A.; Terlizzi, B. di; Boscia, D.; Caglayan, K.; Gavriel, I.; Ghanem, G.; Varveri, C.; Savino, V. (1998) Acta Virologica 42 (4), 251-253.
------- PPV-M and -D.

* NPPO of Italy (2009-11, 2010-05, 2011-11, 2018-09).

* Palmisano F, Minafra A, Digiaro M, Percoco A, Elbeaino T, Boscia D (2009) First outbreaks of the Marcus strain of Plum pox virus in Apulia. Journal of Plant Pathology 91(4, Suppl.), S4.77.

* Parrella G, Cennamo G, Spigno P (2010) Present status of Plum pox virus in the main stone fruit growing areas of Campania region (Southern Italy). Petria 20(2), 166-167.
------ PPV-D (prevalent) and PPV-M in Campania.

* Poggi Pollini, C.; Bissani, R.; Giunchedi, L.; Gambin, E.; Goio, P. (1996) Informatore Agrario 52 (32), 77-79.
------- PPV-M, peach orchards in Emilia-Romagna and Veneto.

* Refatti E, Osler R (1993) Attempts to eradicate plum pox virus in an infected area. Colloque sur les maladies nouvelles ou d'introduction récente en France, en Italie et dans le bassin méditerranéen. Alghero, IT, 1993-04-14/18.

* Rizza S, Conti F, Pasquini G, Tessitori M (2014) First report of Plum pox virus strain M isolates in apricot in Sicily, Italy. Plant Disease 98(11), 1591-1592.
------- First confirmed report of PPV in Sicilia, under eradication.

* Savino, V.; Digiaro, M.; Martelli, G. P.; Terlizzi, B. di (1991) Acta Horticulturae No. 293, 585-591.
------- Recorded on apricots in Apulia and Basilicata. Thought to have been introduced from central or northern Italy.

* Savino, V.; Martelli, G. P.; Terlizzi, B. di; Digiaro, M.; Murolo, O. (1995) Acta Horticulturae No. 386, 248-252.
------- Apulia.

* Vicchi, V.; Babini, A. R.; Giunchedi, L. (1990) Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura 52 (7), 41-43.
------- On plums in commercial orchards in Emilia-Romagna.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Austria Present, restricted distribution view...
France Corse Present, no details view...
France Present, restricted distribution view...
Slovenia Present, widespread view...
Switzerland Present, few occurrences view...