Comstockaspis perniciosa(QUADPE)
All photos included on this page can only be used for educational purposes.
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.
For publication in journals, books or magazines, permission should be obtained from the original photographers with a copy to EPPO.

Close up of adult female Q. perniciosus, showing circular grey scale.
Courtesy: Biologische Bundesanstalt (DE).
Infestation of pear fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Infestation of pear fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Infestation of apple fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Infestation of pear fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Infestation of pear fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Infestation of apple fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Infestation of apple fruit
Courtesy: Ilya Mityushev, Department of Plant protection of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University
Infested fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Nodirjonovich Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Male on a pheromone trap
Courtesy: Jurabek Nodirjonovich Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Infested apple tree
Courtesy: Jurabek Nodirjonovich Yakhyoyev (Plants Quarantine Science Center of the State Plants Quarantine Inspection under the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Adult female of Diaspidiotus perniciosus in apple fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Nodirjonovich Yakhyoyev (Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Adult female of Diaspidiotus perniciosus in apple fruit
Courtesy: Jurabek Nodirjonovich Yakhyoyev (Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan)