EPPO Global Database

Ralstonia solanacearum(RALSSL)

Distribution details in France

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2025: Present, few occurrences
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, at low prevalence (2017-07)
Under official control.

EPPO Reporting Service (1996/22) : 4 foci were observed in autumn 1995. Two were on tomato under glass, in Lot et Garonne and Loire-Atlantique, one on outdoor tomatoes in Lot et Garonne, one on a plot for comparative trials of potatoes in an experimental station in Essonne (far from any production areas for seed or ware potatoes). Under eradication.

EPPO Reporting Service (1997/111) : no further cases since 1995. Surveys of seed and ware potatoes in 1996 gave negative results in 7300 tests. In a survey of waterways and Solanum dulcamara in 1996, one plant gave a positive.

EPPO Reporting Service (2001/022) and 2001/042: found again in 2000-09 in seed potatoes grown by a grower in Haute-Normandie (from Dutch seed potatoes imported in 1998). Surveys conducted in all fields planted with seed potatoes produced by this grower (in the North of France). Eradication measures (according to EU Control Directive) taken wherever the disease found.

EPPO Reporting Service (2004/084) : outbreak on Pelargonium in Poitou-Charentes region in 2003. Eradicated.

In 2011, the NPPO declared the eradication of R. solanacearum.

EPPO Reporting Service (2014/070) : 1 outbreak was detected in 2013 in Marne department (Champagne-Ardenne region) on ware potatoes and farm saved seed potatoes, under eradication.

NPPO (2017): found on tomato plants for planting under greenhouse in Maine-et-Loire (Pays de la Loire region). Under eradication.

EPPO Reporting Service (2025/042) : detected in surface water from the Loir river. Under eradication.

* Cellier G, Remenant B, Chiroleu F, Lefeuvre P, Prior P (2012) Phylogeny and Population Structure of Brown Rot- and Moko Disease-Causing Strains of Ralstonia solanacearum Phylotype II. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78, 2367-2375
------- Reference strains isolated in 1995 in France from potato (CFBP3865 and LNPV19.66) were identified as R. solanacearum [phylotype IIB-1] and from tomato (CFBP3579, CFBP4812 and LNPV24.25) as R. solanacearum [phylotypes IIB-1 and IIB-4].

* Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (European Commission) (2017) Potato ring rot and brown rot surveys in the EU: Annual report 2016/2017. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

* Guenin MC de (1998) Management and monitoring of Ralstonia solanacearum in France. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 28 (1-2), 109-112.

* Janse JD (1996) Potato brown rot in western Europe – history, present occurrence and some remarks on possible origin, epidemiology and control strategies. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 26 (3-4), 679-695.
------- Biovar 2.

* NPPO of France (2011-06, 2014-02, 2017-07).

* PROMed 20/08/99 (from Phytoma (1999) 518 (Jul.-Aug)).

* Presence de la bacterie Ralstonia dans une partie du Loir (2024) Direction régionale de l’alimentation de l’agriculture et de la forêt du Centre-Val de Loire. https://draaf.centre-val-de-loire.agriculture.gouv.fr/detection-de-la-bacterie-ralstonia-en-eure-et-loire-communique-a1817.html?mtm_campaign=rss-actus
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belgium Present, few occurrences view...
French Guiana Present, no details view...
Germany Present, few occurrences view...
Guadeloupe Present, no details view...
Italy Present, few occurrences view...
Italy Sardegna Present, few occurrences view...
Luxembourg Absent, confirmed by survey view...
Martinique Present, widespread view...
Reunion Present, no details view...
Spain Islas Canárias Absent, pest no longer present view...
Spain Present, few occurrences view...
Switzerland Absent, confirmed by survey view...