EPPO Global Database

Ralstonia solanacearum(RALSSL)


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TZC culture plate of Ralstonia solanacearum with virulent colonies

Courtesy: Dr ATMA Nand Tripathi

Typical symptoms of bacterial wilt on chilli and incidence on field crop at Sonabhadra (Uttar Pradesh), India

Courtesy: Dr ATMA Nand Tripathi

Streaming test showing characteristic the white oozing of bacterial wilt

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Three stages of bacterial wilt caused by a Moko strain on banana

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Wilted eggplant

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Geranium rosat affected by bacterial wilt

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Ralstonia solanacearum strain plated on Kelman medium

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Geranium rosat affected by bacterial wilt

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Fist stage of bacterial wilt, observed on eggplant

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Wilted eggplant

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Wilted tomato

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Wilted bell pepper

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Wilted bell pepper

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Wilted tomato in greenhouse

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Geranium rosat affected by bacterial wilt in greenhouse

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Bacterial wilt incidence on field of brinjal crop at Mirzapur, (U.P.), India

Courtesy: Dr ATMA Nand Tripathi

Glassiness and ooze in a tuber infected with Ralstonia solanacearum.

Courtesy: Andy Aspin, Fera Science Ltd., British Crown

Tuber with advanced symptoms of Ralstonia solanacearum.

Courtesy: Andy Aspin, Fera science Ltd., British Crown

Potato affected by bacterial wilt and its characteristic white oozing

Courtesy: Gilles Cellier

Bacterial ooze from potato eye.

Courtesy: Jaap D. Janse (NL)