Rhizoctonia solani(RHIZSO)
Overview Code created in: 2002-07-16
- Preferred name: Rhizoctonia solani
- Authority: Kühn
Name | Authority |
Botryobasidium solani | (Prillieux & Delacroix) Donk |
Ceratobasidium filamentosum | (Patouillard) Olive |
Ceratobasidium solani | (Prillieux & Delacroix) Pilát |
Corticium areolatum | Stahel |
Corticium praticola | Kotila |
Corticium solani | (Prillieux & Delacroix) Bourdot & Galzin |
Hypochnus aderholdii | Koloschina |
Hypochnus cucumeris | Frank |
Hypochnus filamentosus | Patouillard |
Hypochnus solani | Prillieux & Delacroix |
Moniliopsis aderholdii | Ruhland |
Moniliopsis solani | (J.G.Kühn) R.T.Moore |
Pellicularia filamentosa | (Patouillard) Rogers |
Rhizoctonia aderholdii | (Ruhl) Koloschina |
Rhizoctonia macrosclerotia | J.Matz |
Rhizoctonia microsclerotia | J.Matz |
Thanatephorus cucumeris | (A.B.Frank) Donk |
Thanatephorus praticola | (Kotila) Flentje |
Name | Language |
areolate leaf spot | English |
black scurf of potato | English |
black speck of potato | English |
bordered sheath spot of rice | English |
bottom rot of lettuce | English |
collar rot | English |
damping-off of seedlings | English |
foot rot | English |
fruit rot | English |
leaf blight of yam | English |
sore shin of tobacco | English |
stem canker | English |
stem rot of cauliflower | English |
stem rot of potato | English |
target leaf spot of rubber | English |
tuber soft rot of yam | English |
web blight | English |
Fußfäule | German |
Pockenkrankheit: Kartoffel | German |
Stengelfäule | German |
Umfallkrankheit: Keimlinge | German |
Weißhosigkeit: Kartoffel | German |
Wurzelbrand: Keimlinge | German |
Wurzeltöterkrankheit: Kartoffel | German |
chancre de la tige | French |
chancre du pied de la pomme de terre | French |
fonte des semis | French |
maladie des manchettes de la pomme de terre | French |
pied noir | French |
pourridié | French |
pourriture basale | French |
pourriture de la tige | French |
pourriture du collet | French |
pourriture fauve | French |
pourriture noire des racines | French |
rhizoctone brun | French |
rhizoctone commun | French |
rhizoctone noir | French |
rhizoctone noir de la pomme de terre | French |
rhizoctone ocelle du ble | French |
tige noire | French |
toile ou fonte des semis | French |
variole des tubercules de la pomme de terre | French |
podredumbre de los semilleros | Spanish |
rhizoctonosis de la patata | Spanish |
sarna de la patata | Spanish |
viruela de la patata | Spanish |
tombamento | Portuguese |
белая ножка картофеля | Russian |
ризоктониоз картофеля | Russian |
чёрная парша картофеля | Russian |
bulvių šašai | Lithuanian |
Fungi (
Basidiomycota (
Agaricomycetes (
Ceratobasidiaceae (
Rhizoctonia (
Rhizoctonia solani (