EPPO Global Database

Senecio glaucus(SENGC)

Code created in: 2018-08-21

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: SENGC
  • Preferred name: Senecio glaucus
  • Authority: Linnaeus


Southern Mediterranean (from Spain to Turkey), Caucasus, Russia, Macaronesia (Canary Islands), Sahel. S. glaucus has a subsp. coronopifolius, but it is not clear how this differs from the type. Some authors distinguish S. coronopifolius as a separate species

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Senecio coronopifolius Desfontaines
Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius (Maire) Alexander

Common names
Name Language
крестовник сизо-зелёный Russian
крестовник сизый Russian
крестовник яффский Russian
savyon ha'aravot Hebrew
סַבְיוֹן הָעֲרָבוֹת Hebrew