EPPO Global Database

Jaltomata procumbens(SRAPR)


Organism Type
Cheravirus arracaciae oca strain (as Solanaceae) (AVBO00) Experimental
Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVD0) Experimental
* Singh RP (1973) Experimental host range of the potato spindle tuber 'virus'. American Potato Journal 50, 111-123.
------- As Saracha jaltomata. Absence of symptoms.
Tobacco streak ilarvirus potato strain (as Solanaceae) (TSVP00) Experimental
Aculops lycopersici (as Solanaceae) (VASALY) Host
Bemisia tabaci (as Solanaceae) (BEMITA) Host
Epilachna vigintioctomaculata (as Solanaceae) (EPILVI) Host
Nepovirus nicotianae (TRSV00) Host
* McLean DM (1962) Common weed hosts of tobacco ringspot virus in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Plant Disease Reporter 46, 5-7.
------- As Physalis solanacea.
Pepper chat fruit viroid (as Solanaceae) (PCFVD0) Host
Alphanucleorhabdovirus tuberosum (as Solanaceae) (PYDV00) Wild/Weed
Stagonosporopsis andigena (as Solanaceae) (PHOMAN) Wild/Weed