EPPO Global Database

Swinglea glutinosa(SWNGL)


Organism Type
Closterovirus tristezae (CTV000) Experimental
* Yoshida T (1996) Graft compatibility of Citrus with plants in the Aurantioideae and their susceptibility to citrus tristeza virus. Plant Disease 80, 414-417.
------ graft-inoculated
Sadwavirus citri (SDV000) Experimental
* Iwanami T, Omura M, Ieki H (1993) Susceptibility of several citrus relatives to Satsuma dwarf virus. In: Moreno P, da Graca JV, Timmer LW (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th IOCV Conference, Riverside, California (US), pp. 352–356.
Aleurocanthus woglumi (ALECWO) Host
* Shaw JG (1950) Hosts of the citrus blackfly in Mexico. United States Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. E-793, 3 pp.
'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' (LIBEAS) Host
* Cifuentes-Arenas JC, Beattie GAC, Peña L, Aparecido Lopes S (2019) Murraya paniculata and Swinglea glutinosa as Short-Term Transient Hosts of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ and Implications for the Spread of Huanglongbing. Phytopathology 109:12, 2064-2073. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-06-19-0216-R
------- Infections in S. glutinosa were transient. Very few insects that successfully acquired Las from S. glutinosa were able to transmit the pathogen to healthy citrus.  However these plants could eventually serve as carriers of Las to regions currently free from HLB.
Cilevirus colombiaense (CILVC2) Host
* Roy A, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Shao J, Leon G, Melzer MJ, Beard JJ, Otero-Colina G, Bauchan GR, Ochoa R, Brlansky RH (2015) Role bending: complex relationships between viruses, hosts, and vectors related to citrus leprosis, an emerging disease. Phytopathology 105(7), 1013-1025.
Cilevirus leprosis (CILVC0) Host
* Aguilera MG, Galicia SMT, Valencia RP, Diaz NG, Duran JM, Gomez GR, Lopez MJA (2013) Leprosis de los cítricos. Citrus leprosis virus C. Ficha tecnica no. 35, SAGARPA, Mexico, 29 pp.

* León MG, Becerra CH, Freitas-Astúa J, Salaroli RB, Kitajima EW (2008) Natural infection of Swinglea glutinosa by the Citrus leprosis virus cytoplasmic type (CiLV-C) in Colombia. Plant Disease 92, 1364. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-92-9-1364C
Citrus leprosis disease (CILV00) Host
* Aguilera MG, Galicia SMT, Valencia RP, Diaz NG, Duran JM, Gomez GR, Lopez MJA (2013) Leprosis de los cítricos. Citrus leprosis virus C. Ficha tecnica no. 35, SAGARPA, Mexico, 29 pp.

* León MG, Becerra CH, Freitas-Astúa J, Salaroli RB, Kitajima EW (2008) Natural infection of Swinglea glutinosa by the Citrus leprosis virus cytoplasmic type (CiLV-C) in Colombia. Plant Disease 92, 1364. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-92-9-1364C

* Roy A, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Shao J, Leon G, Melzer MJ, Beard JJ, Otero-Colina G, Bauchan GR, Ochoa R, Brlansky RH (2015) Role bending: complex relationships between viruses, hosts, and vectors related to citrus leprosis, an emerging disease. Phytopathology 105(7), 1013-1025.
------- CiLV-C2 & CiLV-N (mixed infection).
Diaphorina citri (DIAACI) Host
* Aubert B (1990) Integrated activities for the control of huanglongbing-greening and its vector Diaphorina citri Kuwayama in Asia. In Proceedings of the Fourth FAO-UNDP International Asia Pacific Conference on Citrus Rehabilitation (Vol. 410, pp. 133-144).
------- As S. glutinosa. Not able to complete its life cycle
Dichorhavirus leprosis (CILVN0) Host
* Roy A, Hartung JS, Schneider WL, Shao J, Leon G, Melzer MJ, Beard JJ, Otero-Colina G, Bauchan GR, Ochoa R, Brlansky R (2015) Role bending: complex relationships between viruses, hosts and vectors related to Citrus leprosis, an emerging disease. Phytopathology 105, 1013-1025. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-12-14-0375-FI
-------- Mixed infection with CiLV-C2.
Prodiplosis longifila (PRDILO) Host
* Valarezo O, Cañarte E, Navarrete B, Arias M (2003) [Prodiplosis longifila (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) main tomato pest in Ecuador.] Manual 51, INIAP, Ecuador. (in Spanish)
Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (XANTCI) Host
* Lee HA (1918) Further data on the susceptibility of rutaceous plants to citrus canker. Journal of Agricultural Research 15, 661–665.
------- As Chaetospermum glutinosum.