EPPO Global Database

Symphytum peregrinum(SYMPE)

Code created in: 1996-10-28

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: SYMPE
  • Preferred name: Symphytum peregrinum
  • Authority: Ledebour


Europe. Cultivated as a green forage plant, distinct horticulturally  from S. officinale (q.v.) which is a garden ornamental and medicinal plant. However, botanically, they can be considered as two forms of the same species. S. peregrinum has been introduced into North America as a forage plant

Common names
Name Language
blue comfrey English
quaker comfrey English (US)
окопник бродячий Russian
окопник чужеземный Russian
окопник чужеродный Russian
живокіст попова Ukrainian