Tetranychus urticae(TETRUR)
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Green bean leaf showing damage from red spider mite (Campania Region-August 2024).
Courtesy: Dr. Valentino De Rosa
Adult female of Neoseiulus californicus preying on a two-spotted spider mite immature.
Courtesy: Institut Agro Montpellier
Adult female of Typhlodromus pyri preying on a two-spotted spider mite female
Courtesy: Institut Agro Montpellier
Tetranychus urticae on leaves of Canavalia ensiformis (raised in the laboratory)
Courtesy: Matheus de Paula Gomes
Green bean leaf showing damage from red spider mite (Campania Region-August 2024).
Courtesy: Dr. Valentino De Rosa
Green bean leaf showing damage from red spider mite (Campania Region-August 2024)
Courtesy: Dr. Valentino De Rosa
Green bean leaf with a large quantity of eggs, spherical in shape and translucent white in color. In addition, all developmental stages are present starting from the larval, protonymph, deutonymph and adult form (Campania Region-August 2024).
Courtesy: Dr. Valentino De Rosa
Green bean leaf with a large quantity of eggs, spherical in shape and translucent white in color. In addition, all developmental stages are present starting from the larval, protonymph, deutonymph and adult form (Campania Region-August 2024).
Courtesy: Dr. Valentino De Rosa
Green bean leaf with a large quantity of eggs, spherical in shape and translucent white in color. In addition, all developmental stages are present starting from the larval, protonymph, deutonymph and adult form (Campania Region-August 2024).
Courtesy: Dr. Valentino De Rosa
Green bean leaf showing damage from red spider mite. On the leaf there is a large quantity of eggs, spherical in shape and translucent white in color. In addition, all developmental stages are present starting from the larval, protonymph, deutonymph and adult form. (Campania Region-August 2024)
Courtesy: Dr. Valentino De Rosa