Thaumetopoea processionea(THAUPR)
Links to other EPPO databases
Important note about this page:
Below are external links to pest-specific information included in other EPPO databases. For the moment, links have been established with EPPO-Q-Bank (specimens and sequences for diagnosis), the EPPO PRA Platform (Pest Risk Analysis documents), the EPPO Platform on Communication Material.
Below are external links to pest-specific information included in other EPPO databases. For the moment, links have been established with EPPO-Q-Bank (specimens and sequences for diagnosis), the EPPO PRA Platform (Pest Risk Analysis documents), the EPPO Platform on Communication Material.
- non-EPPO documents
- AVIS et rapport de l’Anses relatif aux «Méthodes alternatives au traitement chimique des processionnaires du pin et du chêne en conditions urbaines» [France, 2013-04-11]
- Commodity risk assessment of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens plants from the UK [EU, 2024-09-26]
- Commodity risk assessment of Corylus avellana plants from the UK [EU, 2023-11-30]
- Commodity risk assessment of Fagus sylvatica plants from the UK [EU, 2023-06-27]
- Commodity risk assessment of Quercus petraea plants from the UK [EU, 2023-09-19]
- Commodity risk assessment of Quercus robur plants from the UK [EU, 2023-09-19]
- Evaluation of a pest risk analysis on Thaumetopoea processionea L., the oak processionary moth, prepared by the UK and extension of its scope to the EU territory [EU, 2009-08-26]
- Exposition aux chenilles émettrices de poils urticants - Avis révisé de l’Anses, Rapport d’expertise collective [France, 2023-12-07]