EPPO Global Database

Pucciniastrum minimum(THEKMI)


Important note about the classification of host plants in GD:
Categories have been assigned by the EPPO Secretariat on the basis of available data at the time of entry. They correspond to a qualitative evaluation of the importance of the host plant for the pest concerned and remain indicative only.
Further explanation of categories is available in the guide.
Organism Type
Vaccinium angustifolium (VACAN) Major host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Vaccinium corymbosum (VACCO) Major host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Vaccinium erythrocarpum (VACER) Major host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Vaccinium virgatum (VACVG) Major host
* Scherm H, Savelle AT, Brannen PM, Krewer G (2007) Occurrence and prevalence of foliar diseases on blueberry in Georgia. Online. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2008-0421-01-RS.
------- As Vaccinium ashei.
Tsuga canadensis (TSUCA) Alternate
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Tsuga diversifolia (TSUDI) Alternate
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Tsuga sieboldii (TSUSI) Alternate
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Gaylussacia baccata (GAYBA) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Gaylussacia frondosa (GAYFR) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Lyonia ovalifolia (LYDOV) Host
* Farr DF, Rossman AY (2017) Fungal Databases, Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, ARS, USDA. http://nt.arsgrin.
------- confirmed host

* Kobayashi, T (2007) Index of fungi inhabiting woody plants in Japan. Host, Distribution and Literature. Zenkoku-Noson-Kyoiku Kyokai Publishing Co., Ltd., 1227 pages. 
Menziesia pilosa (MNIPI) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Rhododendron canadense (RHOCA) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Rhododendron canescens (RHOCN) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Rhododendron lutescens (RHOLU) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Rhododendron ponticum (RHOPO) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Rhododendron prunifolium (RHOPF) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Rhododendron viscosum (RHOVC) Host
* Sato S, Katsuya K, Hiratsuka Y (1993) Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of Tsuga-Ericaceae rusts. Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 34(1): 47-62.
------- confirmed host
Vaccinium darrowii (VACDA) Host
* Shands AC, Grandall SG, Ho T, Miles TD (2018) First report of leaf rust on Southern highbush blueberry caused by Thekopsora minima in California. Plant Disease 102(6), 1171-1172.
------- observed on Vaccinium corymbosum x V. darrowii
Vaccinium hybrids (VACHY) Experimental
* Babiker EM, Stringer SJ, Smith BJ, Sakhanokho HF (2018) Reaction of different Vaccinium species to the blueberry leaf rust pathogen Thekopsora minima. HortScience 53(10), 1447-1452.
------- Vaccinium corymbosum x Vaccinium pallidum and Vaccinium elliotti x Vaccinium pallidum.
Vaccinium myrtillus (VACMY) Experimental
* Latham RL, Beal EJ, Clarkson JP, Nellist CF (2022) First report of Pucciniastrum minimum (syn. Thekopsora minima) causing leaf rust on Vaccinium corymbosum (blueberry) in the United Kingdom and pathogenicity on Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry). New Disease Reports 45, e12057. https://doi.org/10.1002/ndr2.12057
------- Inoculation experiments showed that detached leaves of Vaccinium myrtillus (European blueberry) could be infected.

Vaccinium pallidum (VACPL) Experimental
* Babiker EM, Stringer SJ, Smith BJ, Sakhanokho HF (2018) Reaction of different Vaccinium species to the blueberry leaf rust pathogen Thekopsora minima. HortScience 53(10), 1447-1452.
Vaccinium tenellum (VACTE) Experimental
* Babiker EM, Stringer SJ, Smith BJ, Sakhanokho HF (2018) Reaction of different Vaccinium species to the blueberry leaf rust pathogen Thekopsora minima. HortScience 53(10), 1447-1452.